Negative Thoughts about Money and their Positive Affirmations
Andrew John Harrison - Aug 1 2005


Many of us would agree that our results in life are created by our actions and our actions are preceded by thoughts and our thoughts are created by our feelings.  The challenge is that most of us have thoughts and feelings that are hidden deep in the subconscious mind – out of our conscious awareness. The easiest way to see what is in our subconscious is to look at our results.  Our results will reflect the inner workings of our mind.

Over a lifetime we hear thousands of comments about money and observe the money behavior of the people closest to us – our parents, relatives, teachers, friends and colleagues.  Many of these comments reinforce patterns of thinking and beliefs that over time become buried in our subconscious.  Our day-to-day experiences confirm and validate that these thoughts and beliefs are true and accurate.

In order to change the relationship we have with money requires that we reprogram our subconscious mind – replacing negative thoughts and feelings that are inaccurate with positive thoughts and feelings that give us the results we want.

Most people would like to increase their income, however negative thoughts about what they have to do to make more money often counters their intention.  For example, if you have the belief that you have to be dishonest to make money – and you see yourself as an honest person – you will avoid making lots of money so you don’t compromise your status as an honest person.  However this belief is not true.  You can make as much money as you want through honest means and all the while maintaining the highest levels of honesty and integrity.

Making a list of your most negative thoughts about money will help you to bring these deep-seated thoughts and feelings to the surface so you can view them and choose a replacement thought and feeling.

Many years ago I sat down with a note pad and created two columns.  On the left I listed my most negative thoughts about money and then in the right hand column wrote a positive affirmation that would reprogram the negative into the positive.

This process totally transformed my relationship to money.  I highly recommend that you make your own list and pay attention to the thoughts that come up as you read the list below.  Feel free to use any of these and add them to your list.




1. Money is hard to make

Making money is easy

2. I always run out of money

I always have more than enough money

3. I have to lie, cheat and steal to make money

I make an abundance of money in an honorable way

4. Love of money is the root of all evil

I love money and money loves me, we are both spiritual

5. I have to work hard for money

Money comes to me whether I work for it or not

6. Money doesn’t come easily

Money comes to me easily

7. Only dishonest people make money

I am honorable and I make money in an honorable way

8. Money corrupts everyone

Money is neutral and fear corrupts

9 I cant make money doing what I love

I make an abundance of money doing exactly what I love

10. If it is good work it should not be too profitable

Profit is necessary and it is a beautiful, spiritual word

11. I am not worthy of making a lot of money

I am worthy.  Making a lot of money is my birthright

12. If I make lots of money I will have to give it away

I make and keep an abundance of money.  Part of all I earn is mine to keep

13. If I make lots of money I will have to support my parents

I make lots of money and choose to support my parents if I wish to

14. If money were to flow easily I would have to connect more with myself and other people

Money flows easily and I connect with people if I choose to

15. If I were to make lots of money my ex-wife would get half

I make lots of money and it has nothing to do with my ex-wife

16. If I were to make lots of money I would have to spend it to make up for my past

My past is now wiped clean.  The money I make is mine to use at my discretion

17. If I made lots of money I would have to be responsible

I make lots of money and choose to be responsible or not

18. If I made lots of money I would have to be an adult

I make lots of money and I am an adult

19. If I made lots of money I would be a Wildman/Wildwoman

I make lots of money and can choose to be a Wildman/Wildwoman or not

20. If I made lots of money what would I do with my time?

I make lots of money and am fully engaged, entertained and inspired

21. If I made lot of money I will become visible

I make lots of money and I choose to be visible or invisible at will

22. If I made lots of money I would be free

I make lots of money and I am as free as I choose to be

23. I don’t do this for the money

I am fulfilled on every other level and this is about the money

24. Money isn’t important to me

Money is important to me

25. Making money requires a special talent

Making money is easy and no special talent is required

26. Making money requires good money karma

Making money is easy and has nothing to do with karma

27. I am nobody without lots of money

I have high self-esteem with or without money

28. I am not a real man/woman unless I make lots of money

I am a real man/woman whether I make money or not

29. The cost doesn’t matter

The cost is a function of the value given or received

30. Money isn’t everything

Money is important

31. I am no good with money

I am a money master!

32. I am lousy at accounting

I love accounting and am very good at it

33. Money is not my problem

I am a money master!

34. Money cant buy me

I am loved with or without money and I freely make my own choices

35. No one taught me about money

I am highly educated about money

36. I love money

I love money and money loves me!

37. I hate greed

I love abundance and freely share

38. I hate poverty

I love abundance and there is enough for everyone

39. I hate running out of money

I make more than enough money for all my needs

40. Money doesn’t flow easily to me

Money flows to me easily

41. Why do I have money problems?

Money flows to me in abundance

42. If only they valued me

I value myself and others value me too

43. They wont appreciate me until I am gone

I am valued and appreciated now

44. If only they appreciated me they would pay me what I am worth

The value of my work is increasing rapidly in everyone’s opinion

45. If they love me they will pay me

I am loved, appreciated and well paid

46. If they love me they wont cheat me

I am loved, appreciated, well paid and respected

47. If I give them enough they will see me

I am seen, valued and respected despite what I do

48. If they see me they will pay me

I am seen, valued and appreciated now!

49. As long as I have my expenses covered I am happy

Having my expenses covered is just the beginning

50. I don’t need much to live

I live in abundance and live abundantly

51. I am happy with what I have

No matter how well I do there is always more

52. I am not important

I am an important, valuable child of God and the Universe

53. I can receive money for someone else but not for myself

An abundance of money constantly flows to me from my work

54. If I wait things will get better

Things are improving now!

55. Its not my fault

I am responsible

56. If they had kept their agreement I would be OK

I am responsible for my decisions and choices

57. I cannot be myself and make money

I am myself and money flows to me easily

58. I can’t make money while living in my ideal remote paradise

Money flows to me wherever I live

59. It takes a long time to become rich

I am rich now and becoming richer all the time

60. My self-worth equals my net-worth

My self-worth has nothing to do with my net-worth

61. I have to do unpleasant things to make money

I make money easily while doing what I enjoy most

62. I have to work with people I don’t like in order to make money

I make money easily and choose who I work with and when

63. Money doesn’t grow on trees

Money flows to me as if it grows on trees

64. I have expensive taste

I appreciate fine things and value for money

65. You cant have certainty about money

I am certain about money and confident in my ability to make, keep and grow it

66. I don’t like to spend money

Every dollar I spend comes back to me multiplied

67. Why do I always choose losing investments?

Great investment deals come to me easily and every dollar invested comes back to me many times over
