Why We Need Ongoing Support
Andrew John Harrison - Jul 25 2004


The purpose of this article is to discuss the need for ongoing support - particularly when one is growing and expanding...

You see, if we don't grow, we don't expand, we don't stretch ourselves, we don't set goals, we don't visualize brighter futures... Then, we have no need for self development, consciousness expanding, seminars, self-help books, coaching or consulting.


Because without growing we are living within our comfort zone and not running into limiting beliefs, limiting paradigms, or limited ability.

It is only when we expand and grow that we run into our limits. It is only then that we discover what we don't know, and what we cannot yet do. It is only then that we discover everything that is against our goals, visions and progress.

In a world that exists on the universal law of duality, we are either growing or we are dying. There is no such thing as a holding pattern or a comfort zone. Because, a comfort zone is in fact a slow death. If we stand still we do not remain motionless. The world around us continues and we, in fact regress. So doing nothing is like regression and growing is the only way to move forward and claim the prize of a life fully lived.

So what is it that has people not growing, not expanding and not taking risks? FEAR. And the false belief that if they do nothing their situation will improve. If a company is losing money and the management does nothing... Then the company will be in a worse condition in six months time that it is now. Something has got to change in order to turn the financial position around. This is the same with bad careers, relationships, health etc. if you do nothing, you may become numb to the problem, however you will not solve the problem... It will only get worse and will be more difficult to solve later.

Most people only take action when an emergency is upon them and they can delay no longer. The pain of taking action is less than the pain of emergency. This is a very stressful way to live and it is completely unnecessary.

So, why do people stop growing, set no goals, visions and not commit to plans? The answer may surprise you. It is because at some time in the past, the person had a painful experience, made a number of conclusions based on that experience and formed a belief or precept on how they would live in the future so as to avoid the pain.

Whenever a person sets a new goal, plans or envisions a future, they invoke all the unresolved past incidents that are similar to their current goals, plans and visions. This can be very depressing and painful! Usually, the person will not realize that this mechanism has activated and will look for causes within their present time to blame for their condition and their feelings. Usually the blame is put on some person who is perhaps not faultless... But certainly didn't do it to them. Blaming others or outside events only serve to avoid the real truth of what the cause of the failure is. And, unless the truth is uncovered... It will reoccur again, and again.

How do you end this cycle and accelerate your expansion?

The most effective way to do this is to get regular support from a third party who is competent and trained in the art of spotting these painful incidents and can lead you through the process of releasing the trapped Lifeforce. The worst thing you can do is hope that this problem will resolve itself... And therefore do nothing.

Why would you suffer from painful feelings and a limited ability if you knew beyond a reasonable doubt that a professional could help you?

If you have done some of this work and feel that it is enough, and why must you continue to spend money, time and energy on this support... Then you are not seeing the big picture - which is that if you are growing and expanding past your current ability or condition - then you will run into this mechanism on an ongoing basis and you will need ongoing support.

If you think that you will arrive at a point in life where you have "arrived" and your learning and growing will stop... Then you don't understand how life works!

The fastest route to clean up past painful experiences and their associated beliefs and precepts is to clean the slate of them. The Optima Program is designed as an intensive to handle areas that are in emergency and require drastic correction or the consequences are severe (like a business failure, divorce, health crises.) Once you are out of emergency and growth is continuing unabated is the time for regular (once per week or once every two weeks) clean slate sessions to handle day-to-day issues that arise and to clean the slate of present time problems as they occur - so as to prevent another crises.

Ask yourself why you would suffer less than an extraordinary existence when you could be living an extraordinary life, with extraordinary people and achieving extraordinary results?

Here is a list of some what you will experience from regular Clean Slate (Optima Program) sessions:

  1. A feeling of relief, lightness, and freedom
  2. Increased emotional mood level
  3. Increased joy, pleasure and sense of humor
  4. Increased ability
  5. Heightened awareness and increased aliveness
  6. Cognition's, realizations and Aha's
  7. Increased Mastery
  8. Heightened connectivity and resourcefulness
  9. Improved performance, success and accomplishments
  10. Increased problem solving and creativity
  11. Previously unsolvable problems can now be solved
  12. Recovery of love, connection and intimacy with family, former mentors and others
  13. More passion and vitality
  14. Increased knowledge and ability to learn, study and concentrate
  15. Decreased disease and sickness
  16. Increased prosperity
  17. Increased memory
  18. Improved ability to communicate, inspire and motivate
  19. Increased ability to confront previously unpleasant situations or people
  20. Heightened perception, awareness and truth
  21. Reduction in unwanted, situations, sensations and feelings
  22. Increased attractiveness and appreciation of beauty
  23. Increased ability to handle complex projects and visions

