The Optima Zones of Life
Andrew John Harrison | Anjou MacPherson - Jan 15 2002


All of life can be measured on a scale from FULLY ALIVE at the top to NEARLY DEAD at the bottom (in fact DEATH is the bottom of the scale.) We call this scale that OPTIMA ZONES OF LIFE as it is divided into seven Zones, or categories.

Each Zone is represented by a color. The colors are: GOLD, BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW, ORANGE, RED and BROWN.

Most of us fluctuate somewhere from the top to the bottom, throughout the day, from day to day and year-to-year. On average we spend most of our time in one particular place or Zone of the scale.

Different areas of our life can be in different Zones. For example, your relationship could be in the Goldzone, and your career could be in the Yellowzone.

The scale explains a lot about human nature. You will see the entire cast of characters in your life and what you can expect from them.

Accompanying each Zone is a predominant emotion. Each emotion is a complete unvarying package of attitudes and behaviors.

The higher a person's position on the scale the better they survive. They are more capable of obtaining the necessities of living, are happier, more alive, more confident, and competent. They are winning at life.

The lower a person drops on the Scale the closer they are to death. They are losing, are less happy, less alive, less confident, less competent, and are losing at life.

A person in the GOLDZONE, BLUEZONE or GREENZONE doesn't settle down on this scale; they maintain a high interest and enthusiasm for living. Although they may become upset and drop down in a REDZONE environment, they are resilient and recover quickly once they are free of the lower Zone influence.

Conversely, a person in the YELLOWZONE, REDZONE or BROWNZONE can have a moment of winning or success, however it doesn't last long and quickly return to their original Zone.

The Optima Zones of Life are as follows:

  • Source
  • Grace
  • Manifestation
  • Extrasensory Perception
  • Transcendence
  • Peace
  • Master of The Game
A person in the Goldzone is FULLY ALIVE, connected to source, in harmony with nature and their environment, fully responsible for themselves and others, loving and compassionate.

With a high level of truth, this person perceives people and situations with total accuracy and operates from a state of grace.

The Goldzone person is a creative master over their life and their environment and operates in their own reality.

Completely authentic and peaceful, the Goldzone person is fully integrated with their spiritual self.

Their usual mood level is serene/state of grace. Creation, manifestation and the extraordinary are a way of life.

The Goldzone person's word is as good as gold.

  • Creative Mastery
  • Appreciation
  • Aesthetic (Beauty)
  • Passion
  • Creating The Game
This person is living their dream and is fully self expressed. Lifeforce enhancing art, poetry, music, dance, movies and being of service motivate the Bluezone person to express themselves in a way that gives back to the people around them and society as a whole.

The Bluezone person is surrounded by beautiful people and environments. Reverent, graceful and in a constant state of gratitude, these people are highly valuable to any community or project that they are a part of.

Bluezone people are on the leading edge of shifting paradigms, social values and culture.

  • Enthusiastic
  • Empathy
  • Interested (other centered)
  • Responsible
  • Cooperative
  • Assertive
  • Win/Win
The Greenzone person is in the right place at the right time. Everything seems to go right for them and most things that they are connected to work.

They are attractive and emanating lifeforce and creativity. They are inspirational and their presence alone is a reassuring and calming influence.

Greenzone people are connected to the right people. Their actions, intentions and visions are aligned. They spend most of their time in a high mood level and take action with heart.

Knowledgeable about many subjects and things, this person has highly developed people, communication and life skills. Here we have a high level of confront, truth and honesty.

The Greenzone person is happy, prosperous and successful within the status quo.

  • Materialistic
  • Interesting (self centered)
  • Competitive
  • Combative
  • Aggressive
  • Controlling
  • Justification
  • Win/Lose
In the Yellowzone or Anger zone a person is driven by their ego, and their attachment to how they think things should be in order to feel good about themselves. Motivated by anger they are flowing a lot of lifeforce against opposition, against people, against perceived threats and are on the attack.

When frustrated, these people respond with anger, even when most of the time anger is not the appropriate response.

Attached to being right, the Yellowzone person makes less of other people, invalidates them and is always blaming others for things going wrong. Any mistakes made by this person are instantly justified.

Yellowzone people are in high action, however it is motivated by anger. A lot of drama and busy-ness surrounds this person.

Obsessed with success, the Yellowzone person is constantly thinking about what to acquire next.

As a leader, the Yellowzone person is controlling and domineering.

  • Unexpressed
  • Controlled
  • Withdrawn
  • Restrained
  • Low Confront
  • Fearful
  • Hypnotic
  • Blame
  • Doubt
  • Lose/Win
This is life in the rat-race, daily grind or work-a-day world. This person doesn't take any risks and lives and works for survival.

The Orangezone person can handle things, but has poor people and communication skills. This person resists change and not prone to share what they have.

Fear motivates everything this person does, from choosing a partner, career, place to live, investments etc. Any form of responsibility or leadership is avoided.

The Orangezone person communicates with a lot of generalizations, assumptions and when at the bottom of this Zone is emotionally numb.

  • Low Self Worth
  • Untrustworthy
  • No Confront
  • Denial
  • Acceptance of Failure
  • Shame
  • Lose/Lose
A person in the Redzone has almost succumbed to loss, death and failure. Nothing works for them, and one failure leads to another. The Redzone person is in the wrong place at the wrong time, doing the wrong actions.

This person has destructive people and communication skills and doesn't trust anyone. Here we have a very low level of confront and honesty.

Obsessed with security, this person is driven by fixed ideas and wrong data. Often using knowledge as a weapon, this person has no happiness, no money, no space, no time.

This person is the perpetual complainer, gossip and VICTIM.

  • Hopeless
  • Expressionless
  • Disconnected
  • Numbness
  • Total Failure
  • Nearly Dead
  • Not In The Game
A Brownzone person has totally given up on life. Nothing works for them. They are totally in the wrong place at the wrong time. Their lifeforce is negative and heading straight towards death.

In heavy denial, Brownzone people are paralyzed, inactive, sick and depressed a lot. Totally physically and emotionally numb they have a lack of feeling and are indifferent. They are turned-off to loving, living, hoping, crying, laughing and dreaming.

When a person suffers a severe loss and cannot express their grief, they restrain it and go into the Brownzone, or apathy zone which is lower than a victim.

Often the drug addict and compulsive gambler is in this Zone. Some of these people may even be labeled "brilliant intellectual" and be in high paying jobs.

A good indicator of the Brownzone person is found by looking at their associates. Most of them are frazzled by trying and failing to help them.
