Reinvent Yourself
Dear Friend:
Are you finding that you are working longer and longer hours, and no matter how successful you become, you just don’t feel fulfilled on the inside? Do you find that one of your biggest challenges relates to communicating with and relating to people? Do you find that stress is a major factor in your daily life? Do you still have dreams that are unfulfilled? Do you feel time is quickly running out for you?
If so, this may be the most exciting thing you’ll ever read. Why? The answer is simple. You see, I am going to tell you exactly how you can…
- Do what you love and make all the money you want
- Be in total control of your time and your activities
- Have the creative expression, career or business of your dreams
- Have the relationships you want and time to enjoy them
- Feel more joy, passion and love in your life
Not only that, you can join a like-minded network of high-performance individuals and leaders worldwide who are committed to enjoying a level of fulfillment, personal and financial freedom that most people only dream about!
Are you experiencing any of the following challenges?
- Successful, But Where is the Fulfillment? – You are a success, you have the money to meet your needs, from the outside everything seems to be going well – and according to plan. However, you know there is more to life and you are missing fulfillment, creative expression and true serenity.
- Emotional Rollercoaster – You have highs when things go right, and then the lows set in for no reason. You feel like you are on an unpredictable emotional ride through life that feels like a rollercoaster. Perhaps you experience a steady emotional state – and there are people around you who are on the emotional rollercoaster.
- Income Plateau – You work harder and longer than ever, but your earning power has leveled off… just when you need more income for your growing family, children’s education, or for your financial freedom. You have unfulfilled dreams and based on current income levels and career prospects, you are afraid that you will never realize them.
- Glass Ceiling – You are doing well, however you don’t seem to be able to get ahead. No matter what you do, there feels like a “glass ceiling” that is holding you back from doing more, achieving more and becoming more.
- Professional Obsolescence – You invested years of study and experience in a trade or profession, and now it is obsolete… flooded with lower-paid competition… or eliminated due to new technology. You are looking for a new career in a field that inspires you and makes you happy.
- Executive Burnout – You’ve been working hard in a high-stress environment with constant demands and pressures on your time. Yes, you are successful by most people’s standards, however you have sacrificed your health and/or your relationships to get there.
- Relationship Looks Good, But Going Nowhere – You love your partner, however the sizzle and the romance died long ago. From the outside you look like the perfect couple, everything is together and you have everything most people only dream of. Only thing is, the connection and intimacy are non-existent. Perhaps you are living separate lives and lonely.
- Low Confront – You aren’t able to confront angry or dominating people. You end up giving up and would rather “stuff your feelings” than allow yourself to over-express and say the wrong thing. When someone disappoints you, or you feel upset with them – you have a great deal of difficulty in telling them openly.
- High Pay, Hate Work – You are trapped in a “golden handcuff.” You’re making an excellent income, but your work just isn’t making you happy. Maybe you chose a career your parents wanted for you, perhaps you chose a career for the money and your dreams and desires are unfulfilled.
- Professional Fragmentation – You’ve achieved the height of your profession, worked hard for years, generated a substantial income and created a reasonable level of wealth. The cost of your success is that you have lost touch with yourself, your heart and your soul. Spirit is missing in your daily life – as well as the connection and knowing that comes with spirit.
- Drama in Relationships – You are surrounded by drama and difficulties communicating and relating to the people around you. Your team members are not performing to the level they could, and no one seems to be listening.
- Partner Left Behind – You are a high-performance person and are looking for ways of becoming more effective, productive and fulfilled – however your partner or spouse is content with the way things are and is not growing at the same speed.
- Ill Health or Low Energy – You have dreams and plans for the future, however your health is limiting you. Maybe you are suffering from an inability to concentrate and are plagued by periods of low energy.
- Successful in the Past – You recall a time when you were successful and everything was going right, then something happened and it all fell apart. Maybe this has happened to you several times and you have never recovered to the same level you were at before. No matter what you do, nothing seems as bright or interesting as it did then.
If you find yourself facing any of these challenges, the first thing is to realize that you are not alone and there is a solution. No matter how many mistakes you’ve made, or what’s happened to you in life, there is a way out. And it’s easier than you think, if you are ready for it.
If you are ready to have a different kind of life, then it is
urgent you attend the next Goldzone Experience.
Now it's Your Turn
The Goldzone Experience is now available. It’s an unforgettable 3-day experience that can help you join a unique group of gifted leaders and master teachers who are living their dreams, and who are now eager to help you do the same.
To register for the next Goldzone Experience [click here]
Move Into The Zone
- The Goldzone! Most people know what “The Zone” is and have experienced moments “in The Zone” in their career, sports, money etc. What would it take to get into The Zone in all areas of your life? What would your life be like if you had a system to get you into The Zone in your career, relationships, health, wealth, self-expression or business – not just once but on an ongoing basis?
What is Goldzone Living?
Goldzone Living is a way of life that was first articulated by the Founders of The Goldzone Organization – Anjou MacPherson and Andrew John Harrison. After spending many years searching for deep meaning and fulfillment that includes all aspects of life at an optimum level, the founders were frustrated with the available seminars, books and educational materials available. Very few of them appeared to offer an integrated or holistic way of life that included; deep meaningful relationships, connection and intimacy, vital and regenerative health, assets, wealth and money in abundance, creative and inspired self-expression, a career that totally fulfills, vibrant energy and the time to enjoy what we love.
The Founders observed after extensive international travel and research, conducted over a 30 year span, that most people sacrificed one area for another and do not believe that an optimum life in all areas is possible. After sharing their realizations and research with tens of thousands of people from Europe, Asia Pacific to North America, the founders developed a system to explain to any interested person how each area of life is related to and impacted by the other. The system evolved over time and eventually became the Goldzone Leadership Curriculum.
It was discovered that all of life can be measured on a scale from fully alive at the top to nearly dead at the bottom (death is in fact the bottom of the scale) and that this scale can be described as a scale of Personal Power, or a scale of Flow, Chi, Élan Vital or Lifeforce.
It is easy to observe that when a living organism is thriving its available Lifeforce is flowing in abundance, whereas an organism that is near death is struggling and low on available Lifeforce.
Lifeforce can be measured, and there are things you can do to enhance your available Lifeforce and there are things that trap, suppress and otherwise make Lifeforce unavailable to you. The more Lifeforce you have available the more your life works. You find yourself in the right place at the right time, with the right people. In other words, life flows and you are successful in all areas. On the other hand, when you have little Lifeforce available, you find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people. Life is a struggle and nothing seems to work as it should.

Goldzone Living is a way of living and working that involves understanding Lifeforce and its impact on the various aspects of life. After much experimentation the Lifeforce scale was broken into 7 categories or zones and graphed across 53 dynamics of life, career, relationships, self-expression, health, wealth, leadership and business. The 7 Zones correspond with the stages of early development, the Chakra’s in the human body, Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy etc. and are complimentary. Each Zone has a color; GOLDZONE, BLUEZONE, GREENZONE, YELLOWZONE, ORANGEZONE, REDZONE, and BROWNZONE. This system was extensively tested and refined and is known today as the Optima Zones of Behavior and Peak Performance.
A breakthrough technology is now available to provide a framework, tool and map for optimizing human performance, relationships, business and organizations. This technology has finally made available a system to describe what optimum looks like compared to the current situation or result.
Goldzone Living is all about living life as an optimum human being in all areas – without sacrificing one area for success in other areas. Beyond success is fulfillment, creative expression and inspired serenity. The Goldzone Experience was developed to make these breakthrough technologies and systems available to the public via lively and entertaining seminars that use the latest delivery technologies, multi-media and high-speed learning techniques to provide participants with lasting change and fundamental transformation in their results and quality of life.
To register for the next Goldzone Experience [click here]
"You Will Learn at Hyper-Speed
and Won't Forget!"
The Goldzone Experience is a 3-day experiential process that will help you take small, simple steps that will have an enormous impact on your life.
You will learn in a way that is far beyond that of most other trainings available anywhere in the world.
Here’s why:
- The facilitators have earned the right to teach because they have direct practical experience in the real world. You learn what works – no fluff, no airy theory or untested ideas.
- The high-speed learning techniques enable you to “learn so fast it will blow your mind.” All your senses will be engaged, and both halves of your brain will be stimulated. You will enjoy frequent breaks, color flipcharts, music, stunning visual pieces, movies, humor and constant variety.
- You will be 100% involved and entertained. The facilitators are highly trained professionals who know how to command attention, inspire involvement.
- You will learn for yourself, guided by your own discoveries. You will get a constant stream of personal “aha” experiences. You may experience, perhaps for the first time in your life, the amazing feeling of “correction without invalidation.”
- You will be encouraged to be observant of your own behavior and responses during the interactive exercises and educational pieces. Within the learning environment you will see your behavior in a very revealing new light.
As a result, you may experience a microcosm of your whole life and patterns of behavior laid out before you. Better yet, you will see many alternative ways to live your life, and a whole new world of possibilities and choices will present themselves to you.
The Goldzone Experience is different from anything you have ever experienced.
Here’s why:
- It’s more than a seminar – it’s a life-changing experience you can repeat (for a small charge) as many times as you want.
- It utilizes a cutting-edge learning technology that customizes the learning experience to your individual situation and guarantees you will never forget it!
- You will apply the lessons you learn and reap the benefits immediately right then and there.
- You will join a like-minded group of high-performance individuals and leaders, allowing you to reap the benefits of networking worldwide.
- Every piece presented has been extensively tested and proven to work – so you don’t have to consider “does this work or not?”
We are confident you will be thrilled with the results you will gain from The Goldzone Experience!
To register for the next Goldzone Experience [click here]
Spiritual Principles of Money,
Success, Fulfillment and Business
Many people don’t realize that our results in life, business and relationships reflect our “inner landscape.” We are often so busy looking to change everything around us and the people in our lives that we don’t stop and consider that perhaps there is something deep within us that needs changing and when this inner change occurs – the outside results change in a very dramatic way.
When you question your assumptions, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors towards a particular subject or area – a profound and almost mystical thing happens! Your results change almost immediately to reflect the inner change.
Once you understand this spiritual principle, you will no longer consider attempting to change other people or other things – you will look within yourself for what needs changing in order to get the results you want. The Goldzone Experience is a very carefully constructed learning environment that is safe for you to experiment, make mistakes and learn at a core level how this principle works and how you can use it to create more of what you want.
After that, the only problem you will have is what to do with all the money, love, success and fulfillment that comes into your life!
At the very least, now you can:
- Develop closer, more meaningful relationships with those you love and work with.
- Dramatically increase your ability to communicate, ask for and get what you want.
- Unleash your deep passion for living!
- Dramatically increase the amount of free time you have to do what you enjoy most!
- Multiply your ability to inspire others to take action, improve performance and overall results.
To register for the next Goldzone Experience [click here]
Have You Ever Done Something - One Thing - That Totally Changed Your Life Forever?
That’s what people say about attending the Goldzone Experience. Many rank it up there as one of the most important “turning points” or “defining moments” of their lives.
If you keep doing the same things you have been doing, you will keep getting the same results. In order to get breakthrough results, you must have a breakthrough experience.
If you are ready for it, The Goldzone Experience may be that breakthrough experience you are looking for. You will be expanded to a new dimension from which you will never return to your former self. You will experience an internal shift that will begin to show itself in your life and in the experiences you begin having from that moment forward.
The Goldzone Experience is a dynamic, interactive learning environment that includes the latest multimedia technology (nightclub quality surround sound, full size rear projection system) complete with images that accentuate the learning, live text and visuals, carefully chosen music to enhance the learning experience and highly trained (to a mastery level) facilitators who have mastered the content and are skilled in its delivery. An emphasis on unlearning ensures that new information is received from a clean slate – rather than just adding new information on top of old (that may or may not be accurate.) This is almost the opposite of the traditional educational system, which is marginally successful and doesn’t teach you how to be successful in life, relationships or money.
Are you ready for something different?
If you are, then you must do whatever it takes to make it to the next Goldzone Experience.
Why Do Busy & Successful People Attend the Goldzone Experience?
There are many reasons why busy & successful people participate in The Experience. Although many people think that they have their relationship with money handled, they discover a whole new dimension of living with themselves, and relating to other people that has a profound impact on their relationship with money and their feeling of fulfillment and inner peace.
Many people who appear to be super-successful have in fact sacrificed one area of life for success in another – and this creates a chasm or a deep split on the inside. Leaving them feeling somewhat less than a total success as a human being. Perhaps it’s the way they feel about themselves, or the quality (or lack thereof) of their primary relationship that is not complete for them.
If you are one of these people, then The Goldzone Experience will give you a whole new perspective and “skill set” that will change the way you relate to yourself and others. No matter how well you are currently doing – there is always a higher level possible.
You’ll learn how to:
- become more successful at what you are doing
- move yourself from success to fulfillment
- work more effectively with the people in your organization and around you
- deal effectively with team members, suppliers or associates
- use leverage through people to accelerate your success
- deal with the real causes of stress and imbalance
- build win-win relationships in life and business
To register for the next Goldzone Experience [click here]
Are You an Executive,
Business Owner or CEO?
As an executive or business owner the single most important skill for you to develop and constantly improve is your ability to work with, select, understand, support and align individual people and teams. Ask any CEO what their greatest challenge is and they will tell you one word: “people.” Selecting the right person, putting them in the right role and supporting them to do the right things are critical for executives and leaders alike.
Selecting winners, identifying talent, interpersonal relationships, team dynamics and performance issues are never far from our minds.
The Goldzone Experience offers Executives, Business Owners and CEOs an unparalleled opportunity to learn about themselves, their relationships, the people around them and will provide a deeper understanding of what is possible and what is holding them back from higher levels of success, achievement and fulfillment.
No matter how well you are currently doing, the Goldzone Experience offers you a new, optimum way to live and work that is more in tune with the natural flow of things – so that you can get more done in less time, with less effort.
The Optima Zones of Peak Business Performance includes 7 categories or zones graphed across 24 dynamics of business covering the most vital areas; Sales & Marketing, Finance, Operations, Customers, Team and Environment.
Most business leaders fail to realize that their business is a reflection of themselves. The leader’s personal mindsets, limiting beliefs, stuck paradigms, low expectations, ineffective behaviors, inaccurate perception of self, poor people and communication skills, and ineffective organizational skills translate into a mediocre operation that only achieves a fraction of its true potential.
Transform the leader and the entire organization will transform!
Are you willing to spend one more day NOT getting what you want?
If so, Goldzone Experience is NOT for you.
Are you ready to think bigger than you ever have before?
Are you ready to have an experience of yourself as an unlimited being?
Are you ready to look at yourself in a whole new way?
Then Goldzone Experience IS for you right now!
The truth is, you’ll love it! And you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to see and change what is not working for you. And the changes and benefits will be indelible and permanent. Are you ready for that?
As you laugh at all the ways you have limited yourself in the past, you break through to a whole new world of possibilities, right then and there in front of you.
“It’s The Best Gift You Could Give Yourself”
Are You a Corporate Leader or Senior Executive?
If so, you’ll find The Goldzone Experience to be the wisest use of your corporate training dollars available anywhere. The results you’ll get will dramatically increase your corporate team’s effectiveness many times over and above the value of your time and investment.
The 3 intensive days your team will spend in The Goldzone Experience will deliver guaranteed results far beyond other trainings that last weeks or even months.
To register for the next Goldzone Experience [click here]
Most of the available personal development education only addresses part of the picture and doesn’t solve the real long-term problem in a systematic way. This lack of effective solutions lead us to develop an innovative and highly usable set of tools, and a curriculum of educational and support programs that range from a ½-Day Seminar to a 12-Month Leaders’ Academy that transforms individual and team performance.
3-Day Goldzone Experience
Join us for this remarkable Program - packed with new and innovative solutions that are guaranteed to improve your results and performance. Partners and teams are encouraged to attend together.
Specifically designed for busy, high-performance professionals and time-pressed managers and executives, this 3-Day Program offers a solution to your most pressing challenges.
To register for the next Experience [click here]

Three full days of entertaining, stimulating and educational information and experiential exercises that gives you an experience and understanding of Personal Power, the fullfillment Paradigm, Leadership and how to dramatically improve your enjoyment and satisfaction with life.

We are in the MTV and video game generation. Today’s seminars need to entertain, educate and inspire. This seminar is delivered using proprietary Zone Learning methodology (in a custom built, high-tech training environment) that involves all the senses in the learning experience. Including dynamic presentation, case studies and experiential exercises... you will learn more in less time and won’t forget it!

Remember that all of us are leaders, whether we want to be or not. Leading is a part of life. Being a good leader means greater satisfaction in your personal and business life… Since you must lead, why not be good at it? It can make a big difference to your results and overall quality of life.

A recent survey of 38,000 people from 200 countries reported that 66% of respondents did not have work-life balance. This causes stress, lost productivity and results in a low quality of life. This Seminar highlights the connection between stress and leadership styles and offers a solution to dramatically reduce your stress levels.

In the UK alone, workplace bullying is reported to cost organizations at least $38 billion per annum. This includes leaders who use domination and tyranny as motivation methods. How much money is your organization losing to this problem? During this Seminar you will learn alternative methods of leadership that are many times more effective.

By the year 2020 the world economy is projected to be 80% bigger than it was in 2000. This massive growth represents a huge opportunity for leaders who are prepared and positioned to capitalize on the current leadership vacuum. This Program is designed for the new-paradigm leaders of tomorrow.

We are living through one of the most profound periods of transformation in recent human history. Our world is changing at an unprecedented rate. The way we live, the way we work and the way we do business are changing dramatically.
No longer is it an option to maintain our position by doing today, what we did yesterday. We are no longer competing with the professional or the firm down the road, but rather the highly skilled, more motivated, and lower cost individual or firm on the other side of the planet.
In order to do well in the future, we must begin to think more like leaders than managers, more like entrepreneurs than employees, take responsibility for our quality of life, upgrade our skills and become more aware of the value we add to our teams, our projects, and our organizations. This Seminar will provide you with the keys to succeed in the future.
To register for the next Goldzone Experience [click here]
What Others Say
“The Goldzone Experience was truly an amazing experience. I didn't think that I would feel so safe and be able to open up to other people. I learnt heaps about myself, which was very beneficial. I would highly recommend this Experience to others and would find it a little difficult to put the experience into words other than ‘You really won't be disappointed.’ Anjou and Harrison are truly remarkable people and your life will not be the same after having met them, I know that mine isn't and that is something to celebrate.”
Lesley Lightfoot

“Extraordinary! I feel that the Experience was so up close and personal. I could feel the amount of effort that was put in and the sincerity and presence of your team. The Goldzone team helped me to understand your technology and supported me in bridging the GAP from my where I am now to where I want to be. It was just awesome! If you want a life transforming experience, go for the Goldzone Experience!”
Ong Jing Ying

“It's a heart felt experience. I'm very moved and touched by Anjou, Harrison, and the Goldzone Partners by your passion, vision and love for humanity.”
Lim Teck Yong

“I would definitely recommend this Experience! Its a key to the door of your heart, for you to discover your deeper self, understanding our own behaviors, actions, feelings, emotions, deep rooted beliefs, and how all these affect us and show up in the different parts of our life. I was able to really feel my heart, and to understand the GAP between my heart, mind and feelings. I am now able to support myself with the technologies made available and can move myself up to another level of awareness.”
Wayne Goh

“It’s a program of self discovery and not the 'Ra-Ra' kind of seminar that you only feel motivated for awhile… it’s a program that is close to you, close to your heart. It was a wonderful experience that helped me to discover my inner thoughts and feelings that I previously spent most of the time avoiding.”
Karen Lee Yun Fun

“The Goldzone Experience was the most life changing experience I have ever been too.
I thought that Anjou was fantastic, warm and understood where people were at in their lives. Being there with people I already knew was also a bonus for me.
I have already recommended the Experience to some people I treat with EFT. Although I have great success with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) in clearing many problems that people have, I believe that the Goldzone Experience offers a more holistic approach to healing and helps expose the plots that we are playing out.”
Greg Hateley

“I would highly recommend this Experience to other seekers. It was a life-changing event for me and if anyone has a thirst for why their lives are the way they are, then this is the Experience for them. It’s uplifting and inspiring, like a light at the end of a very dark tunnel. I was totally unprepared for the amount of knowledge and awareness that I gained from this Experience. As the program worked itself to a close, I felt there was so much to do but at the same time, everything was possible because someone else had gone before.”
Karen Yin

“I would say that the Goldzone Experience is designed to help people live life on a much deeper level, and will help you to find fulfillment, joy, purpose and energy in all areas of life. It’s profound, warm & fuzzy, energizing, just fantastic! It was a privilege to be there with such a wonderful group of people on a similar journey. It was enlightening – I learnt a lot about myself and how I relate to others.”
Leonie Davis

“I would absolutely recommend the Goldzone Experience. It's a must for anyone who is committed to changing their results in any area of life! You find out what the deep subconscious thought patterns and conditioning's are that are stopping you from getting the results you are committed to achieve. It’s the missing link from Wealth Studies 101! I left the Experience with a much better understanding about myself, my relationship with my partner and a clear understanding of my conditioning and how that is affecting the results that are showing up in my life in the areas of relationships, love and wealth! Just having this awareness has helped me to improve and express myself better in my relationship and realize where the things I do and say are coming.”
Maria Webb

“By the end of the Experience I fully appreciated the depth of the experience because of its spontaneity and the variety of powerful mediums that were used to impart the various messages. Most of the Experience was about huge validation for me – I have been involved in the metaphysical, for a while and so much of what I believe and have experienced was confirmed by Anjou – thank you!!!
I feel reinforced that I am on the right path and the Experience has given me strength to further pursue the life I wish to live.”
Julie Rosenberg

“The Goldzone Experience had a deep impact on me and had my full attention throughout all 3 days with fantastic presenters, high levels of energy, and great visual/audio support. I could listen to them all day and night! It is a necessary program for anyone who would like to reach their full potential in life, relationships and the business.
The technology is fantastic for assisting you to learn faster and more effectively.
You will never be the some person after the Experience and you will be able to observe the changes in yourself and others in a very positive way. Things will start unfolding for you when you apply and understand the strategies you have been taught.”
Bozena Slominski

“I would definitely recommend the Goldzone Experience. I found it to be very challenging and extremely rewarding. The information was exactly what I was interested in learning about and the team was very supportive. It's one of the best, if not the best thing I've ever attended.”
Chris Tarr
“The Goldzone Experience is a very structural, insightful and a safe place to learn. My past experience in other seminar did not have a way to learn in the structural manner of the Experience, with the breakdown of characteristics, reasons, the flow, the why and understanding the measurement that I have been using.
It was very insightful, with scientific and statistical explanations and the experiences of the trainers and staff… it was a very rich experience for me.”
Lim Siang Meng

“I would recommend The Goldzone Experience. It's better for the soul than anything I have done in the past 10 years.
I don't want to stop attending any Goldzone Seminars, lectures etc. It's hard to describe what I have said about the Experience, but my work colleagues tell me I look like I have had a facelift in the past month or so... They say I look younger and can't believe the stressed out look has gone.”
Cheryl Leckstrom

“I would absolutely recommend this Experience. It's a life changing experience with a combination of exciting information and an incredible environment that encourages learning and feeling. I was amazed with the ability of the presenter (Anjou) and the team to create an environment in which I felt totally accepted, supported and not judged.
I found that the right environment really is essential for being open to the new ideas presented. I really let it all soak in this time, without writing many notes. I'll be going back again to write some notes and to review the Experience again.”
Helen Hine

“I was apprehensive at first, however Anjou did a great job in making it a safe environment for me to learn and explore inside myself, without invalidating my Christian faith. It was a great experience, and I have learned a lot about myself and how I can change my results in life.
I would tell you that it's a great way to learn how to get the results you want for your life, and will help you to realize why you aren't doing what you know you should be doing, and why you are the way you are and what you can do to accept that completely, and then change the part of you that is ineffective.”
Kasia Thomson

“The Goldzone Experience is a special, unique, pleasant, inspired, enlightening, fresh, personal program on human behavior that really helps to understand yourself, to accept what are you now and how to improve yourself in order to live fully inspired in this lifetime. The Experience was well organized with full video animation, music, pictures, plants & flowers, and a waterfall environment with a small manageable group.”
William Liew
“I was amazed at the turnout of the participants and all the dedication of the Goldzone team members for making the Experience possible.
The audio/visuals are superb and I am left wondering where did you get the pictures? I felt many different sensations; from my vision, hearing and body as the Experience progressed.
It was amazing to observe Anjou and Harrison absorbing, sharing, provoking and surrendering to all the participant needs/questions with gusto and clarity.
Meeting with new friends who are seeking the same goals, visions and answers was very enriching. I 'm glad I took 3 days off from work to attend the Experience!”
Billy Syed

“I have benefited from the Goldzone Experience and this is not a seminar that will give you short term spurts of success, but will help you to change your life from the inside out and you will see the benefits not only now but also into the future.
It was enlightening and gave me a clearer picture of what was really going on in my life, both on a personal level as well as in my career.”
Bibi Haneeza Bte Said Akbar Singapore