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The single biggest challenge facing us today and beyond is the unprecedented lack of personal leadership within our private and public sector organizations.  And personal leadership is required at all levels; from executives, directors, managers, team members, workers and professionals.

Most people when hearing the words "leader or leadership" assume that the reference is to the people at the top – in the power positions with authority and not the individual people who make up the organization.


Manager versus Leader

Ask any room full of managers how many of them are leaders and you will find that most managers do not see themselves as leaders.

Many professionals struggle with this and fail to see the opportunity that developing their leadership skills offers in terms of improving results, communication, resolving problems and inspiring the best from people.

Advanced personal leadership skills are required to cope with today’s fast-paced, competitive and globally connected environment where there is a free flow of capital, ideas, information, technology, goods, services, and people worldwide.


What is Personal Leadership?

Personal leadership is about the individual taking responsibility for a problem, and the solution.  Like any skill – this can be learned by anyone, however it requires a new perspective on why this is important – before addressing how to do it.


The Culture of "Blame"

The challenge is that most people are so afraid of making mistakes, that they won’t take the risk of being responsible and accountable at the same time (most people inaccurately see responsibility as another way of saying "blame" – or who is "at fault" when things go wrong.)

Combine this with the fear of losing face and you have people who won’t speak up – even though they know the solution!

To be successful in the future requires organizations that are comprised of responsible, productive and risk-taking individuals who demonstrate the qualities of true personal leadership – and who aren’t afraid to speak up.  Most people do not understand what this requires, neither do they have the skills, attitude or support to make the transition.  These skills, education and support are now available.


Laser-Like Precision

What can you do as a leader to cut through the clutter and target your most pervasive challenges with laser-like precision - understanding exactly the right things to do to solve them and to motivate yourself into higher levels of enthusiasm, responsibility and performance?

The answer is - the Optima Zones of Human Behavior and Peak Business Performance!  Developed after extensive research and development including working with over 40,000 people from diverse backgrounds of race, religion, professions and cultures.  The result is a system that includes a comprehensive chart of seven zones across 16 dynamics of leadership.  For the first time a holistic system is available to dramatically improve your leadership performance, effectiveness and productivity by determining present conditions versus the ideal scene and then identifying what one thing can be done to bridge the gap in the shortest time possible.

The system explains why personal leadership is critical, what the potential benefits are and how to overcome the limitations and issues that get in the way.  You will also learn about the relationship between leader and follower and why some people resist change and what to do about it.  Optimum performance is identified with any blocks easily removed.

There are many success stories from people who have benefited from this knowledge... below is a sample of The Optima Zones:



To register for the next ½-Day Leadership Seminar [click here

Most of the currently available leadership education only addresses part of the picture and doesn’t solve the real long-term problem in a systematic way.  This lack of effective solutions lead us to develop an innovative and highly usable set of tools, and a curriculum of educational and support programs that range from a ½-Day Leadership Seminar to a 12-Month Leaders’ Academy that transforms individual and team performance.

½-Day Leadership Seminar

Join us for this remarkable Seminar - packed with new and innovative solutions that are guaranteed to improve your results and performance.  Partners and teams are encouraged to attend together.

Specifically designed for busy, high-performance professionals and time-pressed managers and executives, this ½-Day seminar offers a solution to your most pressing challenges.

To register for the next ½-Day Leadership Seminar [click here


Half-a-day of entertaining, stimulating and educational information and experiential exercises that gives you an experience and understanding of Personal Power, New-Paradigm Leadership and how to dramatically improve performance and results.

We are in the MTV and video game generation.  Today’s seminars need to entertain, educate and inspire.  This seminar is delivered using proprietary Zone Learning™ methodology (in a custom built, high-tech training environment) that involves all the senses in the learning experience.  Including dynamic presentation, case studies and experiential exercises... you will learn more in less time and won’t forget it!

Remember that all of us are leaders, whether we want to be or not.  Leading is a part of life.  Being a good leader means greater satisfaction in your personal and business life…  Since you must lead, why not be good at it?  It can make a big difference to your results and overall quality of life.

A recent survey of 38,000 people from 200 countries reported that 66% of respondents did not have work-life balance.  This causes stress, lost productivity and results in a low quality of life.  This Seminar highlights the connection between stress and leadership styles and offers a solution to dramatically reduce your stress levels.

In the UK alone, workplace bullying is reported to cost organizations at least $38 billion per annum.  This includes leaders who use domination and tyranny as motivation methods.  How much money is your organization losing to this problem?  During this Seminar you will learn alternative methods of leadership that are many times more effective.

By the year 2020 the world economy is projected to be 80% bigger than it was in 2000.  This massive growth represents a huge opportunity for leaders who are prepared and positioned to capitalize on the current leadership vacuum.  This Seminar is designed for the new-paradigm leaders of tomorrow.

We are living through one of the most profound periods of transformation in recent human history.  Our world is changing at an unprecedented rate.  The way we live, the way we work and the way we do business are changing dramatically.

No longer is it an option to maintain our position by doing today, what we did yesterday.  We are no longer competing with the professional or the firm down the road, but rather the highly skilled, more motivated, and lower cost individual or firm on the other side of the planet. 

In order to do well in the future, we must begin to think more like leaders than managers, more like entrepreneurs than employees, take responsibility for our quality of life, upgrade our skills and become more aware of the value we add to our teams, our projects, and our organizations.  This Seminar will provide you with the keys to succeed in the future.

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