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We all know that the pace of change has increased and that life is moving faster than ever. We hear all the time that business has a new set of rules and that companies must change to keep up. But how many of us realize that these changes impact other areas of life too? Like our relationships. What used to work in our parents generation — no longer works today or in the future. The relationship rules have changed. Isn't it time you learnt the new rules of relationship?
Your primary relationship influences and sets the tone for all your relationships: At work, colleagues, partners, clients, friends, family etc. IT ALSO DETERMINES HOW SUCCESSFUL YOU ARE FINANCIALLY. Next to money, RELATIONSHIP is one of the most emotionally charged topics to discuss. At the same time it is near and dear to our hearts. We are hard wired by evolution to seek out a primary relationship to partner with and share our lives and families with as well as other people to connect with, friends, colleagues and associates. Most leaders and successful people spend considerable time and money investing in their careers and businesses. Professional development is easy to justify in terms of ROI (Return on Investment), however very few take the time to learn about successful relationships, partnerships, how to create them, nurture them and what to do when things go wrong, which they often do.
Most people (men especially) only look for a solution once there is a problem that can no longer be ignored. By this time it is often too late. Just like a heart attack and divorce... the first warning sign can often be fatal. But it doesn't have to be this way! There are small warning signs you can look out for... Consider this for a moment. How would you like to lose half of your net worth, overnight? How about losing your status, position, reputation and peace of mind? These are some of the costs of a divorce. Even worse is to put up with unhappiness. My own experience has taught me that when my partner isn't happy - there is no way I am going to be happy. What about the cost of going from relationship to relationship never quite finding Mr or Mrs right? Who has time for that? Not to mention the sadness or loneliness of feeling alone. The question is what are you willing to do about it? It's time to learn The New Rules of Relationship! What most people do once a relationship crisis occurs is to stay in the relationship and deny the problems, or look for a replacement, only to discover that despite initial impressions — the pattern doesn't change! Before long the same issues recur, even though the partner is different. Other people buy a few books and reluctantly go to relationship counseling. Usually one partner drags the other along. That's sure no fun. Books usually don't give the full picture and if you skip the total rubbish and end up with a good one, it is slow going and often mono-dimensional. Then there is the counseling... how much can you cover in one hour? and what about the education necessary to provide a full context? While better than nothing, sadly the statistics show that counselling doesn't work all that well. There is a solution and it is easier than you think... The New Rules of Relationship are available via live educational programs with ongoing support for motivated people, leaders and entrepreneurs. It all begins with a simple and yet powerful idea...
Most people have a very difficult time admitting that there is even a problem - and certainly haven't gone to anyone for support. Many of us are lacking inspiring role models of successful relationships - and rely on the examples of our parents, other family members, friends and Hollywood movies. Often when we compare our relationship to that of our parents we feel lucky and in many ways better off (or our relationship is exactly the same as theirs)... However, this does not mean that we are realizing our full potential in this area - and with a little training, coaching and support - can enjoy a true partnership where both parties are totally fulfilled and any issues can be quickly and easily resolved. Unfortunately the opposite is often the case...
Small issues that remain unresolved fester, get suppressed and gnaw away at the harmony... Only to explode into a chasm at the smallest provocation. And many of these differences have a huge impact on ones life... For example differences or lack of alignment around money, how to make it, how to spend it, financial planning, investing, budgeting and the future. What if one partner earns many times more than the other? Not to mention how this affects the children (if there are any.) What if one partner is controlling and making all the decisions? Speaking of children... Many people don't realize that yelling, arguing and the silent treatment are exactly the same and have an equally devastating impact on children.
It is very difficult to enjoy a fulfilling life or career when one partner does not agree with or support the other partners choices. What is possible if both parties are in full alignment - or at least have the tools to reach a resolution? What would life be like? What if making money and creating wealth were an inspired activity that flows from the harmony between two people?
One technique many people use to get what they want is to set their expectations so low - that they are guaranteed to meet them. This way they avoid disappointment and over time settle for less and less. The key to having a inspiring and fulfilling life is exactly the opposite... To set expectations HIGH and to change what is in the way of realizing the highest ideal scenario. Having high expectations requires work... It requires learning... It requires letting go of the past... However the benefits are well worth it - I promise!
What do you do if you partner is unwilling? Do you give up? Fight? Argue? Perhaps your partner is dominant and makes all the decisions... or maybe that's you and you are dragging your partner along with you... These are very common issues and there is a solution. The first step is to identify the cause of the unwillingness, then apply the appropriate formula to encourage cooperation. This can be easily learnt and applied!
Regardless of your background, experience, social position or age... It is totally possible to heal any rift in a relationship (as long as both parties are willing) and to move into more partnership, cooperation and unity. If you are single... It is also possible to attract the relationship of your dreams - sooner rather than later. The Goldzone team has been on a lifelong quest for the ultimate relationship... A partnership between two equals who share a common purpose, vision, alignment of values, commitment to ideal scene, (in our case working together in the same business) willingness, skills and knowledge to resolve differences. The journey has not been easy. But it has been the most worthwhile and fulfilling thing we have done. In the process we have developed some unique and highly effective tools, strategies and a knowledge base that can support others to realize their wildest relationship dreams.
How many of the 33 New Rules of Relationship do you know? How many of them are you applying and seeing daily benefits? We have packaged the new rules into a weekend program for motivated and success minded people who don't have time to wait. The fastest way to learn is to leverage other peoples' experiences and to tap the power of interactive learning.
Join us for a weekend of fun, excitement, joy and laughter...
This weekend is about getting from where you are now - to where you want to be in an ideal scene. We will look in-depth at what an ideal relationship looks like and what this will take. The sessions are designed to give you information, tools and strategies to create what you want - and education to describe how you created your relationships to be the way they are, who your role models have been, your unconscious behaviors, your money patterns, your buttons and triggers and much, much more.
More than just theory, you will learn how to resolve upsets quickly and easily, how to align and reach agreement around money, investments and expenses, and most important you will be immersed in the experience... And won't forget it! The Weekend is conducted in a beautiful resort environment - and we go all out to create a magical environment that is nothing like what you have experienced so far... During the Weekend we will look at and begin to clear hidden expectations and the resulting feelings around partnership and money, then learn how to implement a new system and financial management structure. This opens up more choices in how you work in partnership with to give you true freedom on all levels.
The Weekend sessions are interactive with a mixture of educational content, exercises and debriefing. Hours are typically 9:00am to 7:00pm. I am personally leading this weekend, join us and I promise you it will be one of the best decisons you have ever made! Participation is limited. Register today to master The New Rules of Relationship at the 3-Day GOLDZONE Relationship Weekend... [ register today ] I look forward to seeing you soon. Andrew John Harrison P.S. Ongoing support is available via Optima Coaching (one-on-one,) Optima Programs (with a group,) and the 7-Day Relationship Week held annually in one of world's best resort destinations.