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Lets begin with personal freedom. The basis of personal freedom is the ability to think for yourself, the freedom of speech to express yourself, and the freedom to make up your own mind and take whatever action moves you towards your own goals (as long as you don't infringe on the rights of others.) One of the foundations of personal freedom is economic freedom. Economic freedom is your basic right in any capitalist country. Economic freedom enables you to make your own economic decisions. This includes the right to own, use and profit from property (property is defined as anything you own such as money, real estate, patents, businesses, worldly possessions etc.) You are free to choose and change jobs, businesses, careers and relationships. You have the freedom to save money and invest it as you wish. Most people neither understand nor fully exercise this basic freedom. Instead of thinking for and educating themselves, they abdicate responsibility for their personal economics to an outside authority including partners and spouses. Anytime we abdicate responsibility to an outside authority we are giving up our basic freedom and becoming at the effect of someone else. This is the primary cause of failed partnerships, marriages, businesses and is the basis of one side of the money PLOT. The other side of the money PLOT is where we are the "outside authority" that others have abdicated control to. While we are in the PLOT we may achieve economic freedom, however we will never have emotional freedom. Which means that we are not really economically free because of our needs and obligations to be taken care of by other people or to be the one taking care of other people. It is not possible to enjoy money for what it is if it is mired in and intertwined with power, control, insecurity, lack and limitation! It is at the point of exchange that our money PLOTS are revealed and our true feelings about money show up. Many of us have a difficult time identifying and acknowledging our true feelings about money. And yet it is these very feelings that drive our behaviors, which ultimately create our results. The fastest way to identify our feelings about money (or lack of it) is to examine our exchanges with other people. It is very easy to say rationally that we believe in fair exchange and win/win however when our money is on the line our true feelings and behavior are exposed. During the Goldzone Wealth Weekend we will go through a guided process to determine which of the Optima Zones most of your money exchanges are in and why. You will discover where you are over-taking on one hand, and over-giving on the other. This is a revealing and fascinating story to unfold... and most people who complete the process experience profound realizations, ah ha's and cognitions. Huge amounts of trapped Lifeforce are liberated... resulting in a feeling of lightness, joy, enthusiasm and total financial certainty There are many people teaching about money and how to build one's wealth, however there is very little support available to help one de-program, de-condition and de-hypnotize oneself from the core emotional aspects of money. This is more than a mental exercise, it takes examining one's family background to fully understand and appreciate all the subtle and pervasive thoughts, beliefs and feelings that drive our money attitudes and behaviors. Then there is the metaphysics of money, wealth and abundance. Many people think they know about metaphysics and yet are unable to use this knowledge to financial advantage. The true test of knowledge is all in the application: if you can do it, then you know it. If you cannot do it then you don't know it. If you review the Optima Zones of Wealth, you will note that our definition of wealth is way beyond the trappings of success... income generating assets, fancy cars, big houses and loads of cash. What good is financial abundance if one has no time to enjoy it, no energy and one's relationships are bankrupt? Most people believe in their core feelings that you cannot have it all and that you have to sacrifice something in order to obtain wealth and all its trappings. This is absolutely not true. You can have it all. And you can have it sooner than you realize... by learning about and mastering the universal principles of Goldzone Wealth!Many of the so-called "gurus of wealth creation" and their seminars are really front ends to sell their investment schemes and business opportunities. Oftentimes people who invest in these schemes and opportunities do so because they trust and have faith in the seminar leader... only to find out that the promised returns never materialize and the business isn't exactly easy and "anyone can do it." After a lot of struggle, heartache and hard work, many people end up losing money. And when they challenge their seminar leader... well you know the story! (you didn't follow directions, and the system is infallible.) We have seen many organizations fall into the trap of offering seminar attendees anything from pre-paid legal services to stock in gold mines, to long distance phone services to products distributed via network marketing. Please don't misunderstand us; we are not against any of these products or opportunities... we just believe that the person in front of the room should have an open agenda to educate you not to profit from you, or your trust at your expense.
You can rest assured that The Goldzone Organization will only offer you educational products and services that we believe in and our Certified Instructors will never offer you schemes or opportunities!
In true Goldzone style, the Weekend is conducted with audio-visuals that set the tone and inspire, motivate and compel one to take action. The sessions are lively, stimulating and sometimes challenging. The hours are flexible and the schedule goes according to what the majority of the participants want to focus on. There are plenty of live examples, illustrations and concrete strategies. The Weekend has a natural flow to it, with the pieces of the puzzle fitting into place and the entire picture revealed in total clarity by the end of the Weekend. You can expect a quantum leap in your results and a deep understanding of what has blocked your flow of money and your ability to enjoy and build upon the money you have created so far. You will discover what your core beliefs about money are and how these beliefs have remained hidden and out of sight for so long. Ultimately you will be able to create more money, enjoy spending it, master the laws of expansion and tap the power of the dream paradigm... Together we will look at why there is so much shame around the subject of money and how most people will lie to avoid this shame. Even the wealthiest people have shame around money and in the most elite and exclusive levels of society, talking about money is taboo! If a person wants to make more money and gain personal freedom one risks the label of "greedy or materialistic." Many people's jealousy is triggered just by stating that you are in the game... And the first rule of winning at the game is to be in the game shamelessly! Handling other people's considerations and limiting beliefs is a large part of Goldzone Wealth. However, perhaps the most important is the PLOT we play with our primary partner. Many relationships and businesses fail due to misunderstandings, misalignments and control issues around money. The ideal is to attend the Weekend together with your partner or spouse so that you can work on your money relationships together, develop a common language and alignment on vision, financial goals and resolve any control issues. What is the point in acquiring material wealth if your relationships are filled with control and power dramas, you feel insecure, don't trust people, are stingy, possessive and over-controlling? Most people work hard to generate money, to invest this money in assets that then generate more money so that they can retire, live off the income, then enjoy the good life. The question is what would happen if you enjoyed the good life now? What is the good life anyway? Is it your definition or someone else's? What would happen if you enjoyed what you did, were free to think, say and do whatever you wanted as long as it did not infringe on others? During the Weekend you will develop a clearer understanding of what the good life looks like to you and what is in the way of you giving it to yourself now. The Goldzone Team has articulated a system of measuring your current wealth, versus where you want to be in the future... and the Goldzone Wealth Weekend provides a framework, tool or roadmap to follow. Rest assured, you won't be forced to share or asked to divulge any private and confidential information. Naturally you are welcome to share as much as you want to, however you will never be forced to. The Goldzone Wealth Weekend will answer many of your questions regarding the connection between sex, money and your relationship PLOTS. If you recall during the Goldzone Living Weekend, the leader mentioned that there is a different strategy for moving up the Money Zones depending on which zone you are currently in. Here is Some of What You Can Expect From the Goldzone Wealth Weekend:
Many well-intended people fall into the trap of going for material success, or acquisition of goals, stuff and achievements. Ask any person who has successfully followed this route and they will tell you that success isn't all it is cracked up to be. Many lament that they have "made it," however "the dream died somewhere along the way, or it just doesn't mean as much anymore, or I just can't fill that empty feeling inside." The Dream Paradigm is all about going for your dreams. Its about having faith and trusting that there is a faster, more effective way to operate than to run everything from the mind and its limited EGO self point of view. When you take the leap of faith into a new reality, you let go of the old way of doing things and step into the unknown. For a moment, it appears as though you have failed, and there is nothing to catch you... and then, mysteriously, a new reality of possibility exists that you could not predict nor control. The Goldzone Wealth Weekend is designed to make this "leap of faith" easier and more predictable by sharing the support of people who have been there before, and who, looking back can see what you cannot. Our financial paradigms are made up of experiences, plus beliefs, attitudes and mindsets as well as well-formed habits. Unfortunately, most of our beliefs are invisible and we have them without consciously choosing them. This means that our financial paradigm the most critical part of our financial psyche can't be changed without exposing and examining these beliefs. Our paradigm determines what we see, and what we don't see. Opportunity may be right in front of us however, if it doesn't match our primary paradigm, we are not going to see it. It also determines what is possible for us financially. We have pre-determined limits on how much money we can make, have, spend and keep. The Goldzone Wealth Weekend is carefully constructed to expose our primary financial paradigm so that we can identify the core beliefs that are holding our current financial reality in place so that we can change our beliefs, shift our rules and move into the DREAM PARADIGM. If you can't spare the time or money to attend the Goldzone Wealth Weekend, then you really need the Weekend! Goldzone Wealth is about having the time to do the things we want to, when we want to do them without considerations of what it costs and if we can afford it or not. We can't promise you miracles (doesn't mean you won't have any) however, we can say that you will be infinitely better off NOW by making this a priority and doing whatever it takes to be there...
I look forward to seeing you soon. Andrew John Harrison |