Glossary System


This Glossary was compiled from; The American Heritage Dictionary, The Oxford Dictionary, the works of Andrew John Harrison and Anjou MacPherson. It provides definitions of some terms that are commonly used in Goldzone Programs. In some cases, complete definitions are not given, only the definitions that fit within the context of consulting, training and coaching are provided. A more complete definition may be obtained by referring to a good dictionary.

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(A) Terms Definition
Aberrationn. 1. A departure from what is normal or accepted as right. 2. A departure from rational thought or behavior. From the Latin, aberrare, to wander from; Latin, ab, away, errare, to wander. It means basically to err, to make mistakes, or more specifically to have fixed ideas which are not true.
Abilityn. 1. The quality of being able to do something; physical, mental, financial or legal power to perform. 2. A natural or acquired skill or talent.
Acknowledgmentn. 1. A means of recognizing someone's or something's presence or existence. 2. A response or answer letting someone or something know that you have received and understood their communication.
Actionn. 1. The state or process of doing something. 2. A movement or series of movements.
Aestheticadj. & n. 1. Concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty. 2. In accordance with the principles of good taste. 3. The philosophy of the beautiful, esp. in art.
Affinityn. 1. A natural attraction to a person or liking for something or someone. 2. A mutual attraction. 3. Degree of liking or affection; the feeling of love or liking for something or someone. 4. A willingness to share the same space or a desire to be close to something or someone.
Agreev. 1. To be in harmony or accord. 2. To be of the same opinion. 3. Being or going together without conflict.
Agreementn. 1. The act of agreeing. 2. Harmony of opinion; accord. 3. An understanding or arrangement between two or more people, countries, etc. 4. A negotiated and typically legally binding arrangement between parties as to a course of action.
Allow BeingnessThe ability to allow or give a person the space and time to feel and express without censure, judgment or limitation.
Analysisn. 1. The separating of something into its components or parts in order to find out what it contains, or to study the structure as a whole.
Analyticadj. 1. The condition or state of being analytical.
Analyticaladj. 1. Separating a whole into its components or parts; using the process of analysis 2. Concerned with or based on analysis.
Angern. & v. 1. A feeling or desire to hit out at someone or something that may result from a real or perceived injury, mistreatment, opposition, etc. wrath; indignation; rage; ire. 2. Implies emotional agitation of varying intensity aroused by great displeasure.
Antagonismn. 1. Mutual resistance; opposition; hostility. 2. The condition of being an opposing principle, force or factor.
Antagonisticadj. 1. Hostile; unfriendly; in opposition to.  If you provoke a bored person they will become Antagonistic.
Anti-Magic MomentAnti-Magic Moments are any incidents, upsets or behaviors that are anti-magic (i.e. create an environment that is not safe, harmonious or happy) or actions that are in violation of the companies stated policies, values and procedures and interfere with productivity, orderliness and the ability to do your job well.
Apathyn. 1. Lack of emotion or feeling. 2. Lack of interest in things generally found exciting, interesting or moving; indifference. When a person suffers a severe loss and cannot express their grief, they restrain themselves and as a result goes into apathy.
ARC1. Affinity, Reality and Communication which together equate to understanding, good feeling, friendliness or love.  The most important aspect in developing a relationship is communication, which builds a common reality, which develops closeness or affinity.  The result is understanding.
Aspiration(s)n. A strong desire to achieve something high or great; an object of such desire.
Aspireintr. v. 1. To have a great ambition; desire strongly. 2. To strive toward an end.
Attentionn. 1. A quantity of Lifeforce; active consciousness; the power or faculty of mental concentration. 2. Attention occurs when interest becomes fixed. 3. Motion which must remain at an optimum effort. 4. Attention is aberrated by becoming unfixed and scanning at random or becoming too fixed without scanning.
Avoidtr. v. 1. To stay clear of; stay away from. 2. To not face up to; dodge; shun.
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(B) Terms Definition
Beingn. 1. Existence; a state of existence; a condition of existence. 2a. An object, idea, or symbol that exists, is thought to exist, or is represented as existing. b. A person. 3. (Capital B) God. 4. One's basic essential nature. 5. (Philosophy) a. That which can be conceived as existing. b. Absolute existence in its perfect and unqualified state; the essence of existence.
Beingnessn. 1. The assumption or choosing of a category of identity. Beingness is assumed by oneself or given to oneself, or is attained. Examples of beingness would be one's own name, one's profession, one's physical characteristics, one's role in a game - each and all of these things could be called one's beingness. 2. The person one should be in order to survive. 3. Essentially, an identification of self with an object.
Beliefn. 1. A firm opinion. 2. An acceptance of a thing, fact, statement, etc. 3. An acceptance that something exists.
Belief SystemA belief system is the set of a person's interrelated ideas, principles, precepts, rules, or laws that governs their acceptance or conviction in the actuality of something they perceive.  It is the person's mind-set.  Belief systems are created by the person's knowledge and experiences.
Believev. 1. Accept as true or as conveying the truth.
Blamev. & n. 1. Assign fault, cause or responsibility to another entity. 2. When one individual assigns cause to another entity, he delivers power to that entity. 3. Blame is the negation of responsibility. 4. To find fault with; censure; accuse; condemnation.
BluezoneThis is the state of being fully expressed, creative and passionate.  Bluezone people are on the leading edge of shifting paradigms, social values and culture.
Bluezone Paradigmn. A reality or way of operating that produces a bluezone result.
Bodyn. 1. The complete physical structure of an organism, especially of a human being or animal. A carbon-oxygen engine which runs at 98.6°F. The spirit being is the Captain running this engine in human beings. 2. A group of individuals regarded as an entity; corporation. 3. A number of individuals or things regarded as a whole; a group; a collective mass.
Boredomn. 1. The condition of being bored or uninterested. 2. Weariness or dissatisfaction resulting from inactivity or lack of interest.
Brownzonen. When a person suffers a severe loss and cannot express their grief, they restrain it and become emotionally apathetic.  This is the brownzone, where one has totally given up and nothing works.  They are totally in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Brownzone Paradigmn. A reality or way of operating that produces a brownzone result.
Bull-BaitingA coaching drill where the coach attempts to find certain actions, words, phrases, mannerisms or subjects that cause the person doing the drill to become distracted from the drill by reacting to the coach.
Businessn. 1. One's regular occupation, profession or trade. 2. A thing that is ones concern.
Buttonn. 1. Items, words, phrases, subjects or areas that cause a response or reaction in an individual by the words or actions of other people; causing the person discomfort, embarrassment, upset, or uncontrollable laughter. 2. Restimulators, words, voice tones, music, that are part of the reactive mind. 4. It is called a button because when you push it (say it) you get a reaction.
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(C) Terms Definition
Causen. 1. Something that produces an affect, result or consequence. 2. The person, event, or condition responsible for an action or result; the origin.
Certaintyn. 1. A conclusion or outcome that is beyond doubt. 2. Knowledge itself is certainty; knowledge is not data. Knowingness is certainty.
Clearn. 1. A person who can be at cause and at will over their life. 2. Someone who could confront anything and everything in their past, present and future. 3. A fully realized, self-actualized human being. 4. Completely certain, allowing for no doubt. 5. Free from feelings of denial, guilt, blame or justification.
Clearingv. 1. A graduated process of removing all fixed ideas, physical pain and painful emotion from a person's life.  2. Locating places where a persons attention is fixed and restoring a persons ability and self-determinism.
Clientn. 1. One for whom professional services are rendered. 2. A customer or patron.
Coden. & v. 1. A set of rules on any subject. 2. A systematic collection of statutes, a body of laws so arranged as to avoid inconsistency and overlapping. 3. A persons standard of moral behavior.
Code of Honorn. 1. Clearly stated conditions of acceptable comradeship and behavior among a group.
Code of Silencen. A hidden mental program that is designed to hide, deny, obfuscate, trick, distract, avoid, and bury something that usually contains pain, or a threat to the individuals survival or something you hold precious. It is a threat to your vision of yourself or your image in the eyes of others.
Communicationn. 1. The interchange of ideas, thoughts, concepts, and feelings between two or more people. It includes duplication and comprehension by both the sender and receiver. 2. The act of making known, imparting. 3. To express oneself in such a way that one is readily and clearly understood.
Comprehendtr. v. 1. To grasp mentally; understand or know. 2. To take in, include, or embrace; comprise.
Comprehensionn. 1a. The act or fact of comprehending; understanding. b. Knowledge that is acquired through comprehending. 2. The capacity to include; comprehensiveness.
Concentratev. & n. 1. Focus all one's attention or mental ability. 2. The action of harnessing positive Lifeforce, directing it by intention to flow through a vision of what you want to achieve and a plan of how to achieve it, and manifesting the vision exactly in the physical. 3. To converge towards a center, become compacted or intensified.
Confrontn. 1. An action of being able to face without flinching or avoiding. 2. The ability to be there comfortably and perceive.
Conscious MindThe conscious aware mind which thinks, observes data, remembers, and resolves problems. The conscious mind is alert and aware and the reactive mind simply reacts without analysis.
Consequencen. Something that logically or naturally follows from an action or condition; effect.
Conservatismn. 1. Tending to oppose change; tending to preserve established traditions and to resist or oppose any change.
Covert Hostility1. Hatred or hostility which is disguised by a pretense of friendliness interspersed with cruel or cutting remarks; for example, "What a beautiful dress; I saw one just like it at the Salvation Army the other day."
Craftsmanshipn. 1. A skill or ability in something, proficiency; expertness. 2. One who is a master of a body of knowledge and has his skills to such a degree that he can produce his products consistently and of the highest quality.
Createtr. v. To cause to exist; bring into being.
Criticismn. 1. Most criticism is justification of having intentionally committed a harmful act and is an effort to reduce or minimize the target of the harmful act.
Customern. 1. The next person in the business flow who receives the output of the preceding person (supplier) in the form of a product, service or information.
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(D) Terms Definition
De-accesstr. v. To restore a person to feeling at cause over an area in which something had been accessed; to take away the causes of accessing.
Decision Pointn. 1. The point in time and space when a decision must be made. 2. The latest moment at which a predetermined course of action is (or must be) initiated.
Delusionn. 1. A belief in something which is contrary to fact or reality. Resulting from deception, misconception or misassignment.
Disciplinen. The training that develops self control, character, orderliness, and efficiency. In other words, the ability to start, continue, and produce the results envisioned and planned in the time, place, and shape, at a consistent level of excellence as intended.
Disharmonyn. Lack of harmony; discord.
Dishonestyn. 1. A lack of honesty.  2. Deceitfulness and fraud. A dishonest or fraudulent act. 3.  One would not be dishonest unless he wished to seek advantage for himself or his group at the expense of some other self or group.
Dominationn. The act of forcing a person to do exactly what is desired with the mechanism of recrimination and denial of friendship or support unless the person instantly complies. It seeks by anger, criticism, accusations, and other mechanisms to force a person into submission by minimizing them.
Domination by Invalidationn. This is a covert form of domination.  The person using it feels that they are less than or inferior to the individual upon whom they are using it and has not the honesty or courage to admit it. They then begin to cut the other person "down to size," using small, seemingly well intended criticisms.  The person who is seeking to dominate strikes at the point of pride or capability of their target.  When challenged, the invalidator claims they are only wanting to help.
Dramatizationn. 1. Make a drama or dramatic scene. 2. To repeat in action what has happened to one in experience. To replay in present time something that happened in the past. 
Dreamn. 1. A series of thoughts, images, ideas and emotions occurring during sleep. 2. A visionary creation of the imagination. 3. A strongly desired goal or purpose; an aspiration. 4. Something that fully satisfies a wish. The Dream is the intention, the goal, the purpose, the target, the mission. This is the future wants projected from the present. This is what drives you forward. It is the mission statement, what you want out of your life, the optimum scenario or goal that is vital to focus your attention.
Duplicaten. An exact copy or reproduction; replica. -tr. v. To make an exact copy or copies of.
Duplicationn. The act or procedure of making of an identical copy of an original. It is the replication, or copying of the original over and over.
Duplicityn. 1. Double-dealing; deceitfulness. 2. Deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech. 3. The quality or state of being twofold or double.
Durationn. The length of time that something continues or lasts.
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(E) Terms Definition
Emotionn. 1. Energy in motion. The effort to put someone or something into motion. 2. The connector between mental plans and physical actions. Without emotion, the thoughts cannot translate into action or results. The Optima Zones are a direct measure or scale of emotion.
Empathyn. 1. The psychological identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts or attitudes of another person. 2. The imaginative ascribing to an object or work of art, ones own feelings, thoughts or attitudes.
Empirical FactA fact that is established by observation, not established by theory or reason.
Enforcev. 1. Compel observation, communication, affinity or reality. 2. Impose an action, conduct, one's will, experience. 3. Impose one to admit.
Enthusiasmn. 1. Intense, eager or passionate interest. 2. Originally, supernatural inspiration; inspired prophetic or poetic ecstasy. This is the emotion level of the person who is winning.  They are Eager, cheerful and alive.
Entityn. Something that exists or is perceived as a single, separate object.
Entrapmentn. 1. The act of entrapping; the process of being entrapped. 2. This is the opposite of freedom.  A person may be entrapped by an idea, a belief or a thought.
Erasev. 1. To remove or destroy something completely. 2. Remove all traces of. 3. To recount a painful experience until it cases to be painful.
Ethicsn. 1. A system of moral principles governing the appropriate conduct of a individual or group. 2. Relating to a code of agreement among people that they will obtain the optimum solution of their problems and maximizes the possibility of survival of the individual, group and human race. 3. Rules or standards governing the conduct of the members of a profession.
Exchangen. & v. 1. The act or instance of giving one thing and receiving another in its place.
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(F) Terms Definition
Facsimilen. & v. 1. An exact copy of something, not the thing itself. 2. All physical perceptions, all effort, emotion and thought which a person experiences are recorded continuously, and these recordings can be referred to as "facsimiles."
Fearn. & v. 1. A feeling of alarm or disquiet caused by the expectation of danger, pain, disaster etc. 2. Terror; dread; apprehension. 3. Anxiety and agitation felt at the real or perceived presence of danger.
Fixed Ideasn. 1. Any idea that may or may not have been true at one time and has become fixed, immovable and inaccurate.  Usually the person refuses to examine or dismantle these ideas.  Some examples are: "I'm too old." "I'm too young." "Children should be seen and not heard." "I cannot trust anyone." "I'd better do it myself." "I can't do that." 2. Something accepted without personal inspection or agreement.
Flowv. & n. 1. Glide along as a stream, gush out, circulate, come or go in large numbers or smoothly, be in flood, run full, pour out copiously. 2. An impulse or direction of energy particles or thought or masses. 3. The progress of particles or impulses or waves from point A to point B. 4. A progress of energy between two points.
Focusn. & v. 1. The center of interest or activity. 2. The place where a visual image is clearly formed, as in the minds-eye, or camera, that sets in motion what is imagined so that it can be manifested in the physical universe.
Forcen. & v. 1. Power; exerted strength or impetus; intense effort. 2. Cause or produce by effort. 3. Attain by strength or effort. 4. Seek to demand quick results from; accelerate the process of. 5. Energy with some direction. 6. Guided by the paradigm, force is what impels the particles and energy into space and time which causes the resultant actuality to manifest. 7. The quality and quantity of force alone determines the velocity of manifestation.
Forgiven. 1. Cease to feel angry, resentful, grief, etc. towards an offender or perpetrator. 2.  The result of fully releasing the trapped emotional energy from a perpetration or violation.
Freedomn. 1. The condition of being free or unrestricted. 2. The power of self-determination; the quality of not being controlled by fate, necessity, the past or the future. 3. The absence of barriers. 4. Once understanding is attained freedom is realized.
Friendn. & v. 1. A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts. 2. A person whose Lifeforce is aligned with one's own in a cause or mission.
Full Potentialn. One who has full presence and is perceiving and operating in life and with people at an optimum level.
Futureadj. & n. 1. Time to come. 2. What will happen in the future. 3. Perception of the future is postulated as a possibility.
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(G) Terms Definition
Gainn. Something earned, won or otherwise acquired; a profit; an advantage; increase.
Gamen. adj. & v. 1. A fun activity that people participate in, on their own or with others. 2. A contest of person against person, or team against team. 3. All games are continuing by definition, since an unstarted game isn't a game and a finished game isn't a game. 4. A game consists of freedoms, barriers, and purposes.
Generalityn. 1. Applicability to a whole class of instances. 2. Vagueness; lack of detail. 3. The state of being general.
Goaln. 1. The object of a person's ambition or effort; a destination, an aim. 2. The prime postulate, the prime intention.
Goldzonen. This is the state where everything flows and is effortless.  A person operating in the goldzone is a fully-realized, self-actualized, optimum human being.  Their usual mood level is serene/state of grace.  Creation, manifestation and the extraordinary are a way of life.  The goldzone person's word "is as good as gold."
Goldzone Leadern.  A new paradigm leader who is inspired to share the principles of Lifeforce and the Optima Zones with people in a way that creates a new possibility for living in the goldzone in all areas of life, career and business.
Goldzone Livingn. A way of living, being, communicating and relating where magic and miracles are a part of everyday life.
Goldzone Paradigmn. A reality or way of operating that produces a goldzone result.
Good/Evil1. Good may be defined as constructive. Evil may be defined as destructive.
Gradientn. A gradual approach to something, taken step by step, level by level, each step or level being, of itself, easily surmountableóso that, finally, quite complicated and difficult activities or high states of being can be achieved with relative ease.
Greenzonen. The state of being in the right place at the right time.  Everything seems to go right, and most things work for the person in this zone.  The greenzone person is happy, enthusiastic, prosperous and happy.
Greenzone Paradigmn. A reality or way of operating that produces a greenzone result.
Griefn.1. Intense emotional suffering caused by loss, disaster, misfortune, etc. 2. Acute sorrow; deep sadness. The person in grief cries for help, pleads for sympathy.
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(H) Terms Definition
Habitn. & v. 1. An action or behavior pattern that is regular, repetitive, hard to give up and often unconscious. 3. An automatic reaction to a specific situation.
Happiness1. Feeling or showing pleasure, contentment or joy. 2. Feeling satisfied that something is right, or is being done right.
Harmful ActAn intentional act that harms another person.  Usually an attempt to solve a problem or perceived problem.
Harmonyn. 1. Agreement in feeling or opinion; accord. 2. A pleasing combination of musical sounds.
Heron. Somebody who is admired and looked up to for great courage, noble character, outstanding qualities, good deeds or achievements.
Holisticadj. 1. Encompassing the whole of something; overall; inclusive. 2. From the theory that studying the whole picture is more productive than studying its parts or symptoms individually.
Holistic Learningn. Two or more individuals who work together or collaborate to master a new subject or acquire new skills, abilities or knowledge.
Holistic Visionn. 1. The whole or entire image of how one sees or conceives of something. 2. The big picture. 3. The full view that covers all aspects of the endeavor and what you want to accomplish out of the big picture.
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(I) Terms Definition
Idealn. 1. A conception of something in its absolute perfection. 2. One that is regarded as a standard or model of perfection or excellence. 3. An ultimate object of endeavor; goal. 4. An honorable or worthy principle or aim.
Identificationn. 1. Association of oneself with the feelings, situation, characteristics, etc. of another person or group of people. 2. The lowest level of reasoning is the inability to differentiate.
Identityn. 1. The collective aspect of all the characteristics of a thing by which it is recognizable or known. 2. The set of behavioral or personal characteristics by which an individual is recognizable as a member of a group. 3. The personality of an individual.
Ignorancen. 1. Lack of knowledge. 2. The incorrectly evaluated, not fully owned result of inaccurate perception. 3. Demonstrated by the inability to apply and the degree of incompetence.
Imaginationn. 1. A mental faculty forming images or concepts of external objects or experiences not present to the senses. 2. The mind's method of envisioning desirable goals and forecasting the future.
Imortalityn. 1. Living forever; not mortal. 2. The ultimate goal of survival.
Implementtr. v. 1. To carry into effect; fulfill; accomplish. 2. To provide the means for the carrying out of.
Importantadj. 1. Significant, consequential, critical, urgent, pressing. 2. Having high rank or status.
Incidentn. 1. A definite, distinct occurrence; an event. 2. An event which a spiritual being recorded in mental image form.
Inner-CriticThat part of yourself that criticizes everything you do, doubts what you do, doesn't think you are good enough, gives you negative thoughts, is cynical, is never satisfied, and is a perfectionist. Another term for the Inner-Critic is the Inner-Villain that plays a plot with yourself. Once you have disengaged from the plot with other people, you then have the task of disengaging from your own Villain that is making you a Victim to yourself.
Integrityn. 1. The entire unimpaired state of anything 2. Moral soundness and purity; incorrupt; upright, honest. 3. Wholeness, soundness.
Integrity ProcessingProcessing which enables a person to reveal their harmful acts so that they no longer withhold or cover up.  This enhances their personal integrity.
Intelligencen. 1. The ability to recognize differences, similarities and identities. 2. The ability to perceive, pose and resolve problems.
Intendtr. v. 1. To form in the mind a plan of action; design. 2. To determine to act in a particular manner.
Intentionn. 1. A plan of action; a design. 2. An aim that guides action; an object. 3. A determination to act in a particular manner.
Interestn. & v. 1. A feeling of wanting to know or find out about something. 2. Interest is more consideration than attention, and is therefore attention with intention. 3. Attention with an intention to give or attract attention.
Interestedadj. Feeling or showing interest, sympathy or curiosity.
Interestingadj. Arousing interest; holding ones attention; of interest.
Introversionn. Looking closely and being predominantly concerned with his or her own thoughts and feelings rather than external things.
Invalidatetr. v. 1. To make void; render invalid. 2. Remove the validity or force of (a treaty, contract, etc.) 3. Invalidation by words is the symbolic level of being struck.
Investv. To spend or utilize your attention, time, money or effort for future advantage or benefit.
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(J) Terms Definition
Justificationn. 1. Explaining away wrongnesses, mistakes or violations. Most explanations of conduct, no matter how far fetched, seem perfectly right to the person making them since he or she is only asserting self-rightness and other-wrongness.
Justifyv. 1. To give a reason for taking a particular action. 2. Show the rightness of a person or an action.
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(K) Terms Definition
Keptn. 1. Something that a person does not want anyone to know about; something a person must not tell another. 2. An antisocial, embarrassing, or "must not be experienced" act that an individual keeps to himself.
Knowledgen. 1. General awareness or possession of information, facts, ideas, truths or principles. 2. The state of comprehending something. 2. Familiarity, awareness, or understanding. 3. The totality or scope of what has been perceived, discovered, learned, or inferred throughout time. 4. Specific information about something. Knowledge is the awareness of the interactions and interdependence of the correct and exact who, what, where, when, why, how, mood, and consequences of those interactions and interdependencies. It is the correctly evaluated, fully owned result of accurate perception. Knowledge is always demonstrated by competence in the area. A lack of competence in an area means the area is not fully known.
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(L) Terms Definition
Leadern. 1. Somebody or something in front of all others, for example, in a procession or race. 2. Somebody who guides or directs others by showing them the way.
Level of Existencen. 1. The method one uses, either knowingly or unknowingly, to accomplish survival, gain knowledge, be responsible, and do the greatest good for oneself and others in the most areas. 2. That fixed state or chronic level of perception, intention, implementation and result that one survives at.
Lien. & v. 1. An intentionally false statement. 2. Imposture; false belief. 3. Be deceptive. 4. To say something that is not true in a conscious effort to deceive somebody. 5. To deliberately give a false statement or impression.
Lifeforcen. The universal animating energy that is in all living things. It is the purest, essence of who you really are. It is YOU. It is the invisible, immaterial force that maintains all living things and adds that vital spark that is LIFE. Lifeforce is composed of a number of different characteristics, components, qualities and can be measured in units.
Lossn. 1. Something or someone that has been lost. 2. Something withdrawn from a person without their consent. 3. The feeling of emptiness, sadness or loneliness at the absence of something or someone. 4. The amount of money by which a company's or person's expenses exceeds their income or profit.
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(M) Terms Definition
Magic MomentsA way of sharing thoughts, feelings or actions that people around you do or say that make your day brighter, happier, more cheerful or loving. Magic Moments are fabulous ways of expressing your acknowledgment and support to your teammates.
Making Amends1. Compensation or payment as satisfaction for insult or injury. 2. A point at which the person cannot withhold anything. The person who is making amends is trying to appease, but he can't withhold anything.
Massn. 1. A unified body of matter that forms a whole but has no specific shape. 2. Locked up agitated energy, usually caused by the colliding of two energy flows, suspended in space. 3. A collection of many individual parts. 4. A large but unspecified number or quantity.
Masteryn. 1. Having full power and control over a subject or area. 2. The knowledge and skill of a master. 3. Being able to consistently produce products of excellent quality.
Matrixn. 1. An environment or substance in which a thing is developed or formed. 2. A rectangular array of elements in rows and columns that is treated as a single element. 3. A grid like array of interconnected circuit elements. 4. A situation or surrounding substance within which something is created, originates, is formed or contained.
Maximn. 1. An expression of general truth or principle. 2. A principle or rule of conduct.
Mindn. 1. The center of consciousness that records memory and manifests in thoughts, feelings, ideas, perceptions and imagination. 2. The totality of conscious and unconscious processes that direct the mental and physical behavior of a person. 3. The faculty of intellect as distinguished from emotion or will.
Misemotionn. 1. The incorrect effort to put someone or something into motion. 2. The effort to stop motion. 3. Emotion which is irrational and inappropriate to the present time situation.
Momentn. 1. An indefinite interval of time. 2. A specific point in time.
Moneyn. A current medium of exchange in the form of coins or banknotes that also function as a store of wealth and a measure of value.
Moodn. 1. A temporary state of mind or feeling, as evidenced by the tendency of one's thoughts. 2. A pervading impression on the feelings of an observer.
Moraladj. & n. 1. Concerned with the accepted rules and standards of human behavior. 2. Conforming to accepted standards of general conduct.
Motivatorv. A harmful action performed by somebody else against oneself. It is called a motivator because it tends to prompt that one pays it back, it "motivates" a new harmful action.
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(N) Terms Definition
Natterintr. v. 1. To talk on and on; chatter. 2. To be critical of or find fault with.
Negative Process1. That series of actions, changes or functions that bring about the failure of a person's intended end or result. 2. Ongoing, downward movement in the opposite of the direction one intends.
No Sympathy1. A determination to not be sympathetic at all. 2. Icy; emotionally cold and hardened. 3. An emotion and an action of preventing the feeling of affinity with that which is hurting.
Nomenclatureadj. 1. A system of names assigned to experiences of a specific area of study or understanding.  For example, the specific words used in the domain of law, medicine or computers. 2. The terminology of a science etc. 3. Systematic naming.
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(O) Terms Definition
Objectiveadj. & n. 1. Dealing with outward things or exhibiting facts uncolored by feelings or opinions; not subjective. 2. External to the mind; actually existing; real. 3. Something sought or aimed at; an objective point.
OptimaA series of seminars, programs and services that support a person, company or organization to realize their vision or optimum outcomes.  The technology of moving up the Optima Zones to access, live and operate in the Goldzone.
Optimaladj. Best or most favorable, esp. under a particular set of circumstances.
Optimizationn. 1. A process of orchestrating the efforts of all components toward achievement of the stated aim. If you optimize the pieces of a system you won't optimize the whole.
Optimumn. & adj. 1. The most favorable conditions. 2. The best or most favorable situation. 3. The best possible compromise between two opposing positions, tendencies, etc.
Optimum Solution1. The solution which brings the greatest benefit to the greatest number of people, dynamics, etc. 2. The infinitely perfect solution would be one which brought infinite survival on all dynamics.
Orangezonen. This is life in the rat-race, daily grind or work-a-day-world.  The orangezone is dominated by fear and security.
Orangezone Paradigmn. A reality or way of operating that produces a orangezone result.
Outcomen. 1. A result or effect; consequence. Outcomes are what come about from the implementations of the plans.
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(P) Terms Definition
Painn. & v. 1. Whatever one is unwilling to experience. 2. Unpleasant or distressing sensations due to bodily injury or disorder. 3. Acute mental or emotional distress or suffering. 4. A warning something is wrong.
Paradigmn. A framework of thought, a model, pattern or example used to understand and explain certain aspects of reality. It includes a common set of beliefs, theories, concepts, practices, values, assumptions and agreements that constitute a way of viewing reality.
Paradigm Crashn. When a paradigm becomes overwhelmed by change or calamity it causes the individual, group or organization to go into a major shock. This shock stops the forward motion of the paradigm and it stops working. It is the beginning of a rapid downwards spiral.
Paradigm Shiftn. An irreversible shift from the prevailing paradigm to a new paradigm that operates by a different framework of thought, set of beliefs, theories, concepts, practices, values, assumptions and agreements that drive behavior and produces results.
Perceivetr. v. 1. To become aware of through any of the senses. 2. To observe, take notice of. 3. To gain understanding of, apprehend.
PercepticsThe means of perception. These would include all the perceptions available to the being and the body, ie: color, size, loudness, weight, kinesthesia, temperature, motion, sensations, mood, evaluation of importance, understanding, truth, value, etc.
Performancen. 1. Something begun and carried through to completion. 2. The manner or style in which work, a role, an action or series of actions is carried out. 3. A presentation before an audience. 4. Something done; an accomplishment.
Permeationn. The ability to experience the exact who, what, where, when, why, how, mood, and their interactions and interdependences and consequences, which is the highest level of knowledge.
Perpetratorn. A person who has committed or performed a crime, or harmful act.
Personal IntegrityThe quality of being true to oneself and living, acting and operating in alignment, harmony and in accordance with what one believes.
Plann. 1. A detailed schedule, program, system, or method worked out for the attainment of an objective. 2. A proposed project. 3. A systematic arrangement of details; an outline or sketch. The plan is what you have to do to attain the vision and dream. It includes what your products are, what you need to keep score of to observe whether you are winning or losing, what roles you will have to play, and what knowledge and skills are vital to succeeding.
Positive Process1. That series of actions, changes or functions that bring about a person's intended end or result. 2. Ongoing, upward movement in the direction one intends.
Postulaten. A self-created truth would be simply the consideration generated by self.
Powern. 1. The capacity to act or perform or take action. 2. Strength or force exerted or capable of being exerted. 3. The capacity to exercise control. 4. A measure of the rate of doing work or transferring energy, usually expressed in terms of wattage or horsepower.
Preceptn. 1. A rule or principle imposing a particular standard of action or conduct. 2. A general or proverbial rule; a maxim.
Principlen. 1. A basic truth or law as the basis of reasoning or action. 2. A personal code of conduct or good behavior (a man of principle.) 3. Moral or ethical judgments collectively (a decision based on principle rather than expediency.)
Problemn. 1. A situation regarded as unwelcome, harmful and needing to be overcome. 2. A perceived gap between the existing state and the desired state. 3. A question or matter involving doubt, uncertainty or difficulty.
Processn. 1. A system of operations or actions in the production of something. 2. A series of actions, changes or functions that bring about an outcome. 3. Series of movement; progression.
Producev. 1. To create; yield. 2. To cause to happen or come into being.
Productionn. 1. The making or creation of something. 2. The goods or services produced by a company. 3. The measure of the output of a process.
Productivityadj. 1. The state of producing. 2. The state of creating desirable or useful results.
Propitiationn. 1. A prevention or reduction of the anger of; winning the favor of; appeasement; conciliation.
Prosperityn. 1. The state of being prosperous; wealth or success. 2. The abundances of correct and precise knowledge, games, perceptions, intentions, visions, plans, participants, time, importance, values, moods, responsibilities, motions, and actions, with accurately predicted outcomes and accomplishments.
Purposen. & v. 1. The reason for the system, process or action. 2. An object to be obtained; a thing intended. 3. The aim or goal of a person, what the person is trying to become.
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(Q) Terms Definition
Qualityn. 1. The essential character of something. 2. Superiority of kind. 3. Degree or grade of excellence.
Quantum Leap1. A sudden large increase or advance. 2. An abrupt transition in an atom or molecule from one quantum state to another.
Questn. & v. 1. A search, pursuit, investigation, inquest or the act of seeking. 2. The thing sought, especially the object of a medieval knight's pursuit. 3. A chivalrous enterprise in medieval European romance that usually involves and adventurous journey. 4. The commitment to and pursuit of knowledge, higher values, ideals and virtues.
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(R) Terms Definition
Reactive Mind1. The stimulus-response mechanism of the mind that is not under conscious control.  This mechanism exerts force and the power of command over a persons awareness, purposes, thoughts, body and actions.
Realityn. 1. In human relationships, reality is measured by the amount of agreement between two or more people; a high reality means a high level of agreement. 2. Solid objects; the real things of life.
Receipt Point1. Where communication is received. 2. The receiver of an idea, concept or object.
Redzonen. The person in this zone has succumbed to loss, death and failure.  Nothing works for them and one failure leads to another.  The redzone person is in the wrong place at the wrong time, with the wrong people, taking the wrong actions.  Obsessed with security, this person is driven by fixed ideas and wrong data.
Redzone Paradigmn. A reality or way of operating that produces a redzone result.
Represstr. v. 1. To hold back; restrain or subdue by force. 2. To suppress (a memory, thought, feeling or desire) in oneself so that it becomes or remains unconscious.
Resourcen. 1. Something or someone that can be used for support or help. 2. An available supply that can be drawn upon. 3. Something that can be used to advantage. 5. Available capital; assets.
Responsibilityn. The state, quality or fact of being responsible.
Responsibleadj. 1. Being the source or cause of something. 2. Assuming obligations, duties, connections, commitments, etc.
Restraintr. v. 1. To control; check; repress. 2. To deprive of freedom or liberty. 3. To limit or restrict; hold back.
Resultintr. v. 1. To end in a particular way. 2. To occur as the consequence of a particular cause. n. 1. The consequence of an action, function or operation; outcome.
Rolen. The position, job, or function one holds in a given activity or performance in relation to the other participants. It includes all the duties, rules, and actions of the position.
Rules of the GameA list of 13 Rules that Goldzone Corporation Team Members and Leaders agree to operate by.  These rules form the context for participation on the team and allow each team member to operate in a safe environment.  Any team that implements these rules will get more done in less time, with the minimum of effort.
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(S) Terms Definition
Sensationn. A perception associated with stimulation of a sense organ or with a specific bodily condition.
Sessionn. Any period of time devoted to a specific activity.
Shockn. 1. Something that jars the mind or emotions as if with a violent, unexpected blow. 2. The disturbance of function or mental faculties caused by such a blow; violent agitation. 3. A severe offense to one's sense of propriety and decency; an outrage.
Slaten. 1. A blue-grey, impervious, metamorphic rock that readily splits into thin, smooth-surfaced layers. 2.a. A piece of this material split for use as roofing material or a writing surface. b. A writing tablet made of any material similar to slate. 3. A record of past performance or activity.
Smartadj. Characterized by sharp, quick thought; clever; sharp; quick; intelligent; bright.
Spiritn. 1. The Lifeforce, you, the one who perceives what exists and what is needed and wanted. 2. That which is traditionally believed to be the vital principle or animating force within living beings. 3. Any supernatural being, such as a ghost. 4. That which constitutes one's unseen, intangible being. 5. The essential and activating principle of a person; the will. Tr.v. 1. To impart courage, animation, or determination, or determination to; stimulate; encourage.
Spiritualadj. 1. Of, relating to, consisting of, or having the nature of spirit; not tangible or material. 2. Of, concerned with or affecting the soul. 3. Of, from or pertaining to God. 4. Of or belonging to a church or religion; ecclesiastical; sacred. 5. Pertaining to or having the nature of spirits; supernatural.
Standardn. & adj. 1. An object or quality or measure serving as a basis or example or principle to which others conform or should conform or by which the accuracy or quality of others is judged. 2. The degree of excellence etc. required for a particular purpose. 3. A requirement of moral conduct: maintains his high standards in all his dealings.
Strugglev. & n. 1. Make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or constriction. 2. Make violent or determined efforts under difficulties; strive hard. 3. The result of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Suppliern. 1. The preceding person in the business flow who delivers an input of product, service or information to the next person (customer) in the flow.
Suppresstr. v. 1. To put an end to forcibly; subdue; crush. 2. To curtail or prohibit the activities of. 3. To hold back; to check. 4. To prevent or inhibit (a process or reaction.)
Sympathyn. 1. A relationship or affinity between persons or things in which whatever affects one correspondingly affects the other. 2. The act of or capacity for sharing or understanding the feelings of another person. 3. A feeling or expression of pity or of sorrow for the distress of another. 4. An emotion that an individual uses when immobilized to enlist help from others. 5. An emotional state similar to grief or apathy.
Symposiumn. 1. A formal meeting held for the discussion of a particular subject and during which individuals may make presentations.
Synergyn. 1. The combined effect that exceeds the sum of their individual effects.
Systemn. 1. A complex whole' set of connected things or parts; organized body of material or immaterial. 2. A network of interdependent components that work together to accomplish the aim of the system. 3. Performance of the whole results from the interaction of the parts, not from the sum of the parts. 4. Things need to come together in harmony, not each part doing its best, an orchestra is a good example.
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(T) Terms Definition
Tacit Paradigm Saboteurn. Someone who says nothing, remains silent, and does not express or declare openly, by implied consent to go ahead with and that it is ok to Sabotage. The Tacit Paradigm Saboteur operates on "I won't fix mine if you don't fix yours", "I won't look if you don't look", "I won't know if you don't know", "I won't plan if you won't plan", "I won't act if you won't act", "I won't learn if you won't learn", "I won't work hard if you don't work hard." Tacit realities are deadly and are never true, but appear to be true due to the unspoken, unexpressed agreements.
Targetn. & v. 1. A clearly stated and specific ideal outcome (its quality attributes) of a system or process in written and/or visual and/or numeric form. 2. An objective or result aimed at.
Termn. 1. A word having a precise meaning. 2. Any word or phrase used in a definite or precise sense.
Timen. 1. A period or interval; duration; continuance. 2. The period between two events, or during which something happened, exists or acts. 3. A precise instant, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, or year, determined by clock or calendar. 4. The point at which something has happened, is happening or will happen.
Top DogThe phenomena where people who have an agreement to cooperate, openly or covertly see others as rivals and compete to be the best, number one, most successful, leader or superior person through sabotage, suppression or domination.
Transceivern. 1. A module consisting of a radio receiver and transmitter. 2. Any person, place, object, or subject that can receive and transmit.
Trendn. 1. A direction or course of movement; a flow. A trend is the direction of power. An uptrend means that power is directed upward. A downtrend means that power is withdrawn from an area or that power is directed downward.
Truthn. 1. The quality of conformity with fact; correctness; accuracy. 2. The exactness of the correct who, what, where, when, how, why, mood and intention.
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(U) Terms Definition
Untruthn. 1. Lying. 2. The state of being untrue, falsehood and incorrectness. 3. Inaccurately predicted consequences, outcomes, and accomplishments.
Upper Limitn. 1. The maximum amount of anything that a person can receive, have or own.  Once an upper limit has been reached, the receiving person subconsciously projects their lack of self worth onto the giving person, environment or money.  Devaluing everything over and above their upper limit.
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(V) Terms Definition
Valencen. 1. An electron in the outermost shell of an atom involved in forming a chemical bond. 2. An identity of somebody other than the identity selected by oneself. Somebody else's identity assumed by a person unknowingly. Include habits and mannerisms which are a result of a persons compulsion to copy certain people. A valence is a false or true identity. Each person has there own valence. Substitute for self, taken on after a loss of confidence in oneself. The combined package of a personality which one assumes as does an actor on a stage except in life one doesn't usually assume them knowingly.
Victimn. An individual who suffers direct or threatened physical, emotional, mental, financial, or spiritual harm as a result of the actions of another person, party or organization.
Villainn. An individual who commits or threatens physical, emotional, mental, financial, or spiritual harm to another person, party or organization. Typical justifications include "the ends justify the means." Villains often demonstrate unlikable traits such as judgments, prejudices, egoism, immaturity, cockiness, or a single minded focus on things such as wealth, power, fame, status, or revenge.
Virtual AdvisorThe Virtual Advisor is a free service where you ask a question about a business, personal or relationship challenge and one of our expert advisors/mentors will reply with an answer. You can expect a reply within 48 hours.
Virtuen. 1. Personal qualities, goodness, excellence that are inherent in and demonstrated by an individual.  These make up the essence of who we are and how we show up to others.  Each positive virtue has a negative aspect.
Visionn. 1. Intelligent foresight. 2. The manner in which one sees or conceives of something. 3. An image produced by the imagination. 4. Force or power of imagination. 5. Imaginative foresight. 6. An image of a potential future. The Vision is the BIG picture. This is how your life, environment and those connected to your dream will optimally appear and operate in the physical universe as you approach its completion. The vision is the software for the mind.
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(W) Terms Definition
Wastev. adj., & n. 1. (Working Definition from Toyota) Anything other than the minimum amount of equipment, materials, parts, space and worker’s time which are absolutely essential to add value to the product. 2. Use to no purpose or inadequate result or extravagantly (waste time.)
Wealthn. 1. Riches; abundant possessions; opulence. 2. State of being rich. 3. An abundance or profusion.
Winv. 1. To gain a victory; victorious; triumph. 2. To succeed in reaching or achieving a specified condition or place.
Working Definitionn. 1. A statement that clarifies a specific term or terms in order to reduce variation in communication.
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(X) Terms Definition
X-Factorn. 1. A variable in a given situation that could have the most significant impact on the outcome. 2. A noteworthy special talent or quality.
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(Y) Terms Definition
Yellowzonen. A person in this zone is driven by their ego and attachment to how they think things should be in order to feel good about themselves.  Motivated by anger these people are flowing a lot of Lifeforce against opposition, against people, and perceived threats.
Yellowzone Paradigmn. A reality or way of operating that produces a yellowzone result.